- Why do people go to bed with wet hair?
- Why you shouldn't go to sleep with wet hair
- What you should do instead
If you've been told the old wives' tale that says you should never eat before going swimming, you've probably also been told that sleeping with wet hair will make you ill.
With little evidence or explanation, it's highly likely you've ignored this warning, but could you be putting yourself in danger?
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Why do people go to bed with wet hair?

We've all been there. You've got to be out the door early the next morning, but your hair is looking less than presentable. You've got to make dinner and maybe even get the kids to bed so you'll leave the hair washing for later that night.
You've washed your hair but, either because you don't want to make noise or you simply don't have the energy, you skip the blow-dry. Heat is bad for your hair, isn't it? It'll be better to let it dry in your sleep.
You wake up and you wonder why you look like you've been electrocuted, but you don't have time to rewash it. It'll have to do.
Whilst leaving your hair washing to the night before might seem like the best option, there are hidden dangers that you probably don't know about!
Why you shouldn't go to sleep with wet hair
1. It could cause severe hair breakage

Hair is at its weakest when wet, so it's not surprising to hear that you'll be increasing the amount of breakage by leaving your hair wet whilst you sleep. As you toss and turn, friction will cause the hair to snap more easily than if your hair was dry.
You might think leaving your hair to air dry is better than applying heat, but is it really?
2. It'll make you feel cold
If you're sleeping in an air-conditioned room or it's the peak of winter, sleeping with wet hair will make you feel much colder.
Stop the shivers by giving your hair a proper blow dry. For a real treat, you can even blow dry your socks, pyjamas and bed sheets so they're nice and cosy.
3. You'll spend more time styling your hair

The term 'bed head' exists for a reason! As your hair dries, it sets into place. When you sleep, your hair is twisted into all sorts of strange styles, and if it's drying while you sleep, it'll set that way too.
Normally the worst offenders are the crown of your head and the ends of your hair. The only way to smooth out your hair is to spend a lot of time trying to restyle, either by re-wetting it, using heat tools or suffocating it with aerosols and gels - not exactly the au-natural option you were going for.
4. Worsens your immune system
The old wives' tale that you'll get ill from sleeping with wet hair isn't completely true - you can't catch a virus simply from having wet hair.
That said, sleeping with wet hair can weaken your immune system which makes it more likely that you could catch a cold or flu virus.
5. Bacteria growth

If there's one thing we all know, it's that the combination of water and warmth equals a rapid growth of bacteria. Just think how much bacteria will be growing on your pillow if you sleep with wet hair! The warmth from your head will make the damp pillow the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria and mould.
You might think that changing your bedsheets frequently will help, but the dampness from your hair will have penetrated into the pillow. Do you really want to rest your head on a bacteria haven every night?
6. Causes dandruff

The warmth of your head and the prolonged dampness of your hair will cause bacteria and fungi to multiply on your scalp as well as your pillow. Sleeping with damp hair also strips the natural oils away from your hair as they are easily absorbed by the pillow's fabric along with the excess moisture.
The combination of bacteria growth and the loss of natural oils will make your scalp more likely to develop dandruff, and who wants that?
7. Makes your hair dull

When the water is absorbed from your hair into the pillow's fabric the natural oils are taken too. Your hair will look so much duller and dehydrated without these oils.
Dehydrated hair is also much more likely to break. Remember that there is a big difference between hair that is dry to the touch and hair that is dehydrated of natural oils.
8. Can cause hair loss
Can you believe this? Going to bed with wet hair can result in hair loss and, more specifically, scalp ringworm. Scalp ringworm is a type of fungal infection, caused by warm and damp conditions.
It's highly contagious, so take care to wash anything that has come into contact with your scalp. We'd rather grow long hair than lose it!
9. It'll give you acne
If your pillow is crawling with bacteria, chances are you'll soon be experiencing a break out of acne. Your skin will thank you for drying your hair before you sleep.
What you should do instead

Sleeping with wet hair might cut a few corners, but to avoid any of the above, here's what you can do:
- Wash your hair earlier in the evening - this will allow it to air dry before bed, without dampening your pillow.
- Sleep with a silk pillowcase - this will reduce friction and prevent breakage.
- Dry your hair with a t-shirt - this will cause less damage than a regular towel or prolonged blow-drying.
- Apply a leave-in conditioner to strengthen your hair.
- Never sleep with wet hair if you have hair extensions - they will become tangled and matted.
- If you do sleep with wet hair, consider putting a waterproof pillow cover on your pillow and change fabric pillowcases every second day.
Do you ever go to bed with wet hair? Let us know in the comments below!
NO I don't for exactly the one of the reasons you mentioned, Sticking up, uncontrollable hair next day !
Good to hear, Mary!
i use waterproof pillow cases, two tolwels om top of the pillow, my pillow never gets wet. os the best i can do with my schedule
That's a good idea!
Thank you for telling this as I never new this would happen so I will remember this but I must say that I have never gone to bed with wet heair and I don't think I ever will
You're welcome, June!
Being Chinese.. I was told you will get headaches later on in life...
That's really interesting, Julie! Do you think it's true?
Chinese here as well. I was even told by my mom that i'd be mentally unstable if i go to sleep with wet hair.. illogical, if you ask me.
It's really helpful because I often sleep with wet hair. Now I know the effects of having your hair wet when going to bed. God
It's worrying, isn't it?
I always go to bed with wet hair and I seem fine and so does it! I'm afraid I don't know how true this actually is I have done it since being young and I get told I have fantastic silky undamaged hair so !
Thanks for sharing, Holly!
Me too!
Hard lesson learned. I've experienced #8. Sleeping with wet hair caused me to develop scalp ringworm and hair loss. Now I spend my time treating my hair 3xs a day.
Hi Kia! I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced this. It does highlight the hidden dangers though! Hopefully, your comment will help other readers to understand the risks.
My hair/scalp has an odor. I was my hair every night and go to bed with it wet. Could this possibly be what is causing the odor. I have used a dandruff and clarifying shampoo but it hasn't helped. My next thing is to make a soda paste and leave on my hair for 5 minutes. Any suggestions?
Hi Debbie! It sounds like you could have some kind of bacterial growth on your scalp. This could certainly be caused by going to bed with wet hair. I would suggest you try blow drying it for the next fortnight and see if the smell goes away. If you continue to have problems with odour, I would speak to your GP. It might be something that needs medical attention.
... Well, there is one time I had to sleep with the wet hair by accident during 5th grade camp. Since it was around 9 pm, I didn't worried about showering so I showered and washed my hair. Turns out, I have to sleep with my wet hair since I don't have a hair dryer and even if I do, still our leaders told us that we have to go to sleep now. While I was sleeping, I knew my skin was starting to get heated up, and I did kind of felt that my skin was starting to break, so to cool myself off, I had to put my wet hair on my face! So far, I guess my hair does keeps coming off, but not entirely unless I watched out where I was going to brush it at. Thanks for letting me know. :)
You're welcome, Taina!
Hi my name is Asfandyar and I’m having hair fall problem plz tell me how can I stop this
Hi Asfandyar! Do you go to sleep with wet hair? This could be the first problem. I'd try to get to the root of the problem first - is it caused by stress or another factor? If you can control this factor then that is a good step to take. You can also try vitamins, scalp massages and increasing the amount of Iron in your diet if it's safe for you to do so.
Umm...hi I always sleep with wet hair..but not really wet it was not wet but you can feel it just a little cold...i already use a t-shirt to dry my hair and in every time I sleep my hair is not wet but just having a little cold...and could it also affect me!!??
Hi Dariel! Slightly damp hair can also cause the same problems, I'm afraid!
That answers my questions about having hair loss and acne, will never sleep again with wet hair. Thank you ??
You're welcome, Ban! It's unexpected, but it really does make a difference.
I have gone to bed with wet hair for decades!!! And I mean, I NEVER go to bed without showering first. I can't stand the thought of getting into bed with any kind of "day" accumulation of anything! Then I always wet it down in the morning because of bed head. I had NO IDEA about anything that was written here. Oh dear heavens!!! Thanks. I am going to always blow dry my hair before bed now.
If you blow dry your hair before bed, you should find it fixes your bed head a bit too! Sleeping on wet hair will fix it into all sorts of crazy styles.
Man alive!!! I’ll never go to bed with wet hair again!! I’ve done it forever and I’m in my fifties! I just always loved sleeping with wet hair! I always felt like I was nice and clean! Boy, do I love the internet!! So helpful!! Thanx tons!!?
You're welcome, Michele!
The only reason why I’m doing this, It’s because time saver for the next day going to work , and wash my hair at night to remove the dirt on my hair entire day I was out. I don’t have time to blow dry or air dry my hair, and I’m doing this for a month, I think I need to change my routine.
It is a time-saver, but we're not sure if it's worth the risks!
I think, I might have found the reason for my itchy scalp and hair loss. the itchiness got to a level where there were small blisters on my scalp. I tried changing my shampoo, tried to go and get my self checked. but nothing worked. I got several ointments but didnt help me much. I strated getting backacne as well and now the problem is at its worst, as now I have acne on my face (I was really blessed with a good skin and never really had a breakout for no reason) I tried eliminating different types of food ingredients to detect if i was getting these acne because of some sort of allergy from certain foods but still no help. Atleast now I know where exactly the change was needed. I will surely try this out. Thanks a ton :)
That sounds painful, Kaveri! Glad we could help.
Oh wow. I never knew this. I always go to bed with wet hair. My hair is so thick that it is usually still damp when I wake up the next morning. I never realised that I could be damaging my hair more. I always thought that because I was leaving it to dry naturally, it was healthier. I won't be doing this in future. x
It's quite scary, isn't it! Leaving your hair to dry naturally during the day is definitely healthier than using heat, but the same doesn't apply overnight!
I am aged 58 and for many years I have gone to bed with wet hair. My hairdresser says that considering my age, my hair is in fantastic condition and it so thick. I do not suffer dandruff or health problems. I do have a waterproof protector on my pillow plus pillowcase. I guess we are all different. When I can I will shower early but as being self employed my days can be long, I often do not get a chance to wash my hair til late in the evening. Also, I do not use shampoo or conditioner and only wash my hair every 10 days. I am intolerant to a lot of hair products so opted for warm/hot water instead.
Hi Maria! That's great to hear - everyone is different. It sounds like the waterproof pillow protector might be helping too.
I need your ideas. I have naturally wavy hair and can't blow dry my hair. As well as it taking 4 hours to air dry and me, refusing to go to work with wet hair I'm in a pickle. I use a CPAP attached to my blow dryer so it will give me indirect heat. I leave it on for a solid hour, but my hair is still damp. My scalp is dry. I wonder if that does not help. Do you have any ideas on what I can do as opposed to washing my hair at night and going to bed with a damp head? My friends and I are at a loss.
Hi Tamara! Are you able to wash your hair late afternoon / early evening? This way it should air dry before bed. If you feel like this is not the best time for showering, you can keep your hair dry with a shower cap and shower before work.
Having wet hair when you sleep will not weaken your immune system. Neither will going outside in the cold with hair. Those are wives tales not facts
Hi Brittney! We've linked to our sources, so feel free to check them out!
I usually don't make a habit going to bed with wet hair. Usually I wait till I know its damped, in the morning my hair is not tangled. Knock on wood I haven't woke up with a cold.
That sounds like a good way to do it!
Hi, I've been sleeping with my hair wet for ages and there has been no damage... Quite frequently I've been getting dandruff and oily hair... Could this be due to sleeping with my hair wet.? I did Google it and another reason could be that I don't wash my hair as often as it should be washed. Please help I need advice! :)
Hi Ella! It could well be the reason. An anti-dandruff shampoo might be a good place to start. Have you tried changing your pillowcase more regularly too? Oily and dandruff-prone hair can occur for a number of different reasons.
I’d love to understand how you came to the conclusion that sleeping with wet hair weakens the immune system. Are there any scientific studies to back this claim up? Seems pretty absurd to me.
Hi Tina! This study looks at whether cooling the feet (very similar to having wet hair) causes the onset of common cold symptoms > https://academic.oup.com/fampra/article/22/6/608/497956. You can check out this article on the BBC to learn about how this impacts our body's defence systems > https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20120305-youll-catch-a-cold-with-wet-hair
I'm here because I went to sleep last night with wet hair and now my scalp is incredibly itchy. What can do now to fix it? I won't be going to bed with wet hair again, but in the meantime this is driving me crazy. Should I shower again?
Hi Luca! Do you have any other symptoms or have you used any products for the first time? If it persists, I would speak to a GP.
When ever I go to bed with wet hair the back of my head ALWAYS itches like crazy!! I have to scratch it like a dog scratching his fleas.Why?????
Going to bed with wet hair can create a warm and humid environment that encourages the growth of fungi and bacteria, leading to scalp infections and itching. To prevent itching, towel dries your hair as much as possible, avoid harsh hair products, and use a pillowcase made of a non-irritating material.
I never knew this. I have long hair and I lose a fistful every time I brush/comb my hair. This has gone on for months. I have gone to bed with wet hair and had itchy scalp. I have been on several antibiotics for a year now and I thought maybe this had something to do with hair loss. Now I'm wondering if its sleeping with wet hair that is the culprit. I do tend to get warm at night but I never thought about my head harboring fungi or bacteria. Tks for posting this.
Sleeping with wet hair can create a favourable environment for fungal or bacterial growth, leading to scalp irritation or infection and potentially causing hair loss. Let hair dry completely before bed to minimize the risk of this happening.
My mom told me that going to bed with wet hair will caused headache afteewards. Is it true?
No scientific evidence supports the idea that going to bed with wet hair will cause a headache. However, other factors such as changes in temperature or pressure, dehydration, lack of sleep, or stress may be more likely to cause headaches.
For a long time I would wash my hair at night, go to bed and flat iron my hair in the morning. My hair would look great for a few hours and then the itch would consume me. Ugh!! It was awful! I finally got to see a dermatologist. Long story short, she said going to bed with wet hair was the equivalent of rolling up a wet towel and leaving it. Eventually that towel becomes moldy and musty. I was doing the same to my scalp! She prescribed an anti fungal shampoo and drops which helped tremendously! And I no longer go to bed with wet hair. NEVER again! Thanks for the article!
That's a very good way of putting it!
Hi, since I washed my hair this morning it's still stuck together and twisting upwards pulling at the roots that I can't find the ends! I washed it a few days ago when it was knotty and I had no time to dry it or use shampoo even that time.. It became stuck together. I wear a headscarf and all my chores took over that I did not brush out the knots and do it got neglected. Past few months I've not taken care of it, since we moved house during lockdown. Last night I cut the hair band out that my bun like twist was held by and thought I'd wash it today, which I did. I've been pulling strands from the top of my head instead to get the tightening on scalp loose whilst rest is stuck. I'm thinking to use baking powder/sodium bicarbonate (whichever we have) or micellar water in the morning from online research until I came to your website. It's still tight but bearable at the moment. My daughter cut bits out the night before but no change. It looks like those fancy hairdos now and getting tighter and higher up on my head. Please advise me as to what I can do.
To detangle your hair, try using a detangling spray or conditioner, natural oil, or a baking soda or micellar water solution. Be gentle when working through knots, and consider seeking the advice of a professional hair stylist or trichologist if you are still struggling.
Recently my scalp itch alot with dandruff...guess I slept couple of times with wet hair thinking itxwas dried. Also I applied hair tonic before bedtime...never thought that it still wet hair...now seeking professional treatment...recovering well...hard learned lesson...before bedtime I give my hair a 5 minute low temperature dryer blow...its heart-breaking to cash out costly itchy scalp treatment but unavoidable...God bless...Apostle Paul from Singapore...Amen
It's important to be mindful of the products you use on your hair and how you care for it to avoid scalp irritation and dandruff. Blow-drying your hair on a low-temperature setting before bedtime and using a dandruff-specific shampoo and conditioner can help alleviate the issue.
I used to blow dry my hair because my parents said stuff about it making you sick, but then after I grew up I stopped because I didn't like the way dryers made my hair feel. I haven't really felt any difference in my hair or scalp condition after the change - in fact, if anything, I think using hair dryers make my hair more frizzy and rough to the touch. I haven't got any split ends or visible hair damage and my hair's also really smooth, so I'm not sure if the things you mentioned in your article can vary from person to person.
Using a hair dryer can have varying effects on different hair types and conditions, and proper use and protection can minimize damage. Ultimately, the choice to use a hair dryer or not is a personal preference based on individual needs and hair care routine.
Thank you for telling me this I’m not going to sleep with wet hair?
We're glad you found it helpful!
I don't do this but would have thought wrapping a towel around wet hair for a while after going to bed would help absorb most of the water, rather than sleep in a wet towel?
Wrapping a towel around your hair for a short time after washing is a more effective method of absorbing moisture compared to sleeping in a wet towel. Letting hair air dry or using a low-heat hair dryer is recommended to avoid damage.
I went too sleep with wet hair and the next day I had a sore throaght ang a cough but a lot of mucus in my throat . Is it a cold ?
You may have a cold, but it could also be a case of upper respiratory infection or seasonal allergies. If your symptoms persist for more than a week or get worse, you should see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Yes, well.... I use to sleep with wet hair until I was diagnosed with some kinda funky folliculitis and it won’t go away. I am also losing my hair. I did it constantly when I was younger and definitely not anymore.
Sorry to hear that, Lisa!
I always sleep with my hair wet, I was unaware of the consequences, but now I'm very worried. I will stop sleeping with wet hair immediately, but what should I do about bacteria growth on my pillow? I am definitely going to be switching my pillowcases, but how can I get rid of any bacteria growth on my actual pillow that may have been absorbed?
Washing your pillowcases frequently and sun-drying them can help reduce bacteria growth on your pillow. You can also vacuum the pillow and use a disinfectant spray. Still, replacing the pillow every few years is recommended to ensure you sleep on a fresh and clean surface.
I often go to bed with damp hair wrapped in a towel and luckily have not had an issues, as my hair is naturally wavy it seems to give it a better curl and I am luckily enough to never have suffered with dandruff or acne.
That's lucky, Dawn! Going to bed with damp hair wrapped in a towel can create a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, leading to scalp irritation, breakout, and also causing tangles and breakage. To avoid these problems, consider air drying or wrapping your hair in a soft, absorbent fabric like silk or satin before sleeping.
My grandmother used to tell me that sleeping with wet hair can lead to poor eyesight. Is this true?
HI Ahmed! No scientific evidence supports the claim that sleeping with wet hair causes poor eyesight. The eyes and hair have no direct connection, so it is unlikely that one would impact the other. However, sleeping with wet hair can cause discomfort, such as a headache, and may make it difficult to fall asleep.
Thank you for the advice my son now knows to dry hair
You're welcome, Shirley!
I often go to bed with wet hair without brushing it first. I brush it before I shower. I always use a leave-in conditioner like Moroccan oil for hair. And I always put a clean hand towel on my pillow. My hair is fabulous in the morning and has a shine. In autumn, I may apply an oil to just my hair, not my scalp, again during the day once or twice because the air is more dry then where I live.
Leave-in conditioner sounds great!
should i sleep with my wet hair in a t-shirt when i go to bed?
Hi Kylie! I'd suggest making sure that your hair is dry before going to bed.
I learned this the hard way. A long time ago, when I was in the Army, I would go to bed with wet hair and have it in a bun every night or so. Well, when I went to get a haircut, I was turned away because I had lice!! (As a kid I was lucky to not have gotten lice, while friends or family did). I was told then, that my sleeping habits didn't help. There were other reasons also. But to this day, I will not go to bed with damp hair or in a tight bun. I do wish internet was available then like it is now. My question though, is it the same for men with short hair? Thanks for this article.
Yes, men with short hair can still get lice if they come into contact with someone who has it or uses items that have been in contact with lice. Therefore, it's essential to practice good hygiene and avoid sharing personal items to prevent the spread of lice.
Wow this confirms ALOT for me!! I have MANY issues with my scalp. Its usually always itchy and full of dandruff. I go to bed with wet hair at least 3xs a week and when i wake up.. my scalp is full of tiny bumps. Its INCREDIBLY itchy and when i scratch, it starts to burn. I get small bumps mainly towards the back where i lay on it, otherwise..its all over. Im sure theres an infection somewhere. At one point i even had a small painful boil on the right side of my scalp. Definately not going to bed with wet hair again. Ill be changing my pillow this weekend and pillow cases also. My little guy whos 4 sleeps in my king size bed with me... im pretty concerned because at times he rolls onto my pillow...
You may have a fungal or bacterial infection, which can cause itching, dandruff, and bumps on the scalp. Changing your pillow and pillowcases regularly, washing your hair more frequently with a medicated shampoo, and seeing a dermatologist or healthcare provider can help to address these issues.
I actually fell asleep today with wet hair by accident since I was tired, will the bacteria and mold grow from just me sleeping with wet hair by accident ?
Wet hair can provide a moist environment that may encourage the growth of bacteria and mould, but it's unlikely to cause significant harm from just one instance of sleeping with wet hair. However, regularly sleeping with damp hair could lead to scalp irritation or fungal infections.
No I don't...EVER!!!
We're glad to hear!
I have been going to bed with wet hair for 4 months and just realized I been sick with cold (covid tested) for most of the time. I definitely think it weakens your immune system as i am typically healthy .. I stopped this week and will monitor over the next couple of months
Thanks for sharing, Heather!
Before this I always sleep with wet hair and wonder who I always loos my hair and have dandruff. But then I read this, it help me so much. I thought it because my shampoo or else. Sorry for my bad Grammar ehe
Sleeping with wet hair can contribute to hair loss and dandruff due to the damp environment it creates. Avoid sleeping with wet hair to prevent these issues, and consider changing your hair care routine.
I have done this for years, in the morning I have frizzy dull bedhead. I started blowdrrying the past couple days and the difference is AMAZING! The oil i add to my hair at night is absorbed and my hair is shiny and soft the next day. I hope this helps with the length issue. My hair grows pretty fast, but breaks. I have my fingers crossed. :)
Thanks for sharing!
Hello Joanne have been reading your comments on here and your answers great to read. I always wash my hair during the day and use a microfiber towel for my hair. As I'm in my 60s and have long hair my question to you is if it is okay to use hair dryers alot some of my hair comes out when I wash it I suppose this is normal
It's normal to lose some hair when washing or styling, but excessive use of heat styling tools like hair dryers can lead to damage and breakage, resulting in increased hair loss. To minimize damage, it's best to use a heat protectant, avoid high heat settings, and not use the dryer too frequently.
I when I wash my hair I always wash it before bed. Have done always (41yrs) I never blow dry. having curly hair sleeping with wet hair makes for THE BEST curls. Natural dry it's fad and flat, and blow dried it I get a ball of fuzz, static and dead looking. I've never suffered from any of the things listed above.
I'm sure it is much harder to find a solution with curly hair! We agree it does benefit from air drying, but perhaps washing it in the morning, instead?
I'm happy to follow this information, I think it is really relevant to why pillows start to be smelly and sometimes you get acne even if you aren't going outside that much. Thank you for this tips and information, Joanne!
You're welcome! It does make a lot of sense.
I found this article very interesting. I have had itchy dry scalp issues for years and often go to bed with wet hair as been told by hairdressers to ‘let it dry naturally’ which I now realise works for day time but not for sleeping. I’ve seen a number of doctors about this issue and never have they asked if I go to bed with my hair wet. I will never to this again, but how do I clear the bacteria that’s accumulated?
Hi Joanne! It might be worth getting a new pillow or having it dry cleaned. Breaking the habit of sleeping with wet hair should help to get rid of the problem over time.
Hello Joanne how can I prevent scalp ringworm I googled it and it is horrifying please tell me how to wash my hair and how I should change my routine to prevent it and what should you do if you have ringworm on one part of your body but do not want it spread to the scalp plz answer ….
To prevent scalp ringworm, keep your hair clean and dry, avoid sharing personal items, wear loose-fitting hats, avoid close contact with infected individuals, and keep your surroundings clean. In addition, if you have ringworm on one part of your body, keep the affected area clean and dry, apply antifungal creams, avoid scratching, and seek medical attention if the infection does not improve.
Is it okay if u blow dry ur hair and then immediately go to bed??
Yes, that would be fine!
I get really tired after doing a ton of school works, so... i take bath and then wait my hair to dry but after a few minutes i fall asleep (Cause im very tired).
It's easily done!
My daughter was going to bed with wet hair for well over a year. At 14 she started losing a lot of hair. I would say she lost over half of her hair. I took her to the dermatologist who thought she had a fungal infection, and they put her on ketoconazole 2% shampoo, I bought her new pillows and pillowcase and I wash her sheets and pillowcases very often. After eight or nine months of hair loss the hair loss is finally slowing down and some hair seems to be growing back. I’m not sure that she’ll ever get back all of her hair but it definitely looks better than it did last October and November. She now dries her hair completely before bed every night
Thank you for sharing your story!
I live in the desert and there is no air conditioning, so it will be in the late 90s F in my room. I sweat all night long, especially my head and neck, which naturally gets my hair wet. I wake up with soaking wet pillow and sheets. Not sure how to control this.
Sorry to hear that! We do have an article on how to sleep in hot weather. Hopefully, that will help: https://experthometips.com/how-to-sleep-in-hot-weather
wow didn’t know that! is it ok to sleep with wet hair once? i showered an hour before i went to bed so my hair was still pretty wet, i used a silk pillow case too.
Hi Layla! We're sure that once won't have any long term impact, though probably best to avoid it when you can.
Thanks so much for this information. I have been washing my hair whilst in the bath every evening, then going to sleep with damp hair for years, as I thought it was better for your hair not to be blow dried. I have suffered from dandruff and hair loss for ages and now I finally know the reason why. I am going to order a hair dryer right now! From an avid reader and fan of Expert Home Tips.
We're so glad you find our tips helpful, Harmony!
Great tips! I seem to be having a problem with hair fall since a few weeks after having gone to sleep with wet/semi-wet hair for a few weeks before that. I stopped going to sleep with wet hair but continue to have a lot of hair fall. Do you think I have this continuing hair fall because of that? Or is there a scientific proof or study or back-up evidence to support the claim that going to sleep with wet hair causes hair fall?
Sleeping with wet hair can cause damage to the hair, such as breakage or split ends, which may make it appear as though there is more hair fall. Additionally, wet hair is more fragile than dry hair, and the friction from rubbing against a pillowcase can cause damage and breakage. Hair fall can have many causes, including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, and medical conditions.
I go to bed with wet hair every night. I am now getting ear infections. Do you think they are related?
It's possible that sleeping with wet hair is contributing to your ear infections. You might create a warm, moist environment for bacteria and fungus to grow in and trap moisture in your ears. To reduce your risk of ear infections, you should avoid going to bed with wet hair and maintain good hygiene of your ears.
I’ve noticed if I don’t sleep with a tshirt on my head when my hair is wet, I get a headache in the morning. I never thought about the fact that it could create bacteria! I haven’t had any skin problems or lack of hair growth, but I’m trying to grow my hair to my waist so this is really helpful! Wrapping up my hair while I slept was probably even worse than leaving it be. Definitely going to start showering earlier in the day :)
Glad you found this informative! Wearing a t-shirt on your head or wrapping your hair while sleeping can create a moist environment that may promote the growth of bacteria and fungi, leading to scalp irritation and hair breakage. It's always best to let your hair air-dry naturally and avoid wearing anything on your head while sleeping.