Do you want to know how to get rid of silverfish in your home? These prehistoric creatures won't do us any harm, but that doesn't mean you want them hanging about. They'll make light work of destroying your books, clothes and any other starchy food sources.
We've dealt with an annoying infestation ourselves, and we found that it can be tricky to keep your home pest free. We got rid of our infestation, so today we're going to share the best tips that we picked up along the way.
We've even included a few suggestions for getting rid of silverfish naturally, so you can feel good about doing it too!
Read on and prepare to send them packing...
What are silverfish?

If you've seen one or more small, silvery grey, wingless insects in your home, chances are you've got an infestation of silverfish bugs. They vary in size, but they're normally about 13mm-25mm in length.
Silverfish are characterised by their tapered bodies and long antennae. They move in a quick, zig-zag motion, very similar to the way a fish darts about in a pond. They're nocturnal, so will normally come out to explore in the dark - be sure to keep your eyes peeled if you go to the toilet at night!
They really do make our skin crawl, so we don't blame you if you're in a hurry to find out how to get rid of them.
How to prevent a silverfish infestation
You might be wondering what causes silverfish - prevention is better than cure, after all. By getting to the root of the problem, you'll be able to partially treat the infestation and stop them from coming back in the future.
1. Dehumidify your home

Silverfish are attracted to damp conditions, so the first step to preventing and treating an infestation is to dehumidify your home.
You can do this by purchasing a dehumidifier to draw moisture out of the air. If you're looking for a cheap solution, you can buy cheap moisture absorbers, but a more long-term fix would be to invest in an electronic dehumidifier.
Other ways to reduce the amount of moisture in your home include:
- Drying clothing outdoors
- Setting the heating to a constant temperature of 26 degrees
- Keeping windows open
- Ensuring that your bathroom fan is switched on for longer periods during and after showers.
- Mopping up any standing water from the floor.
2. Fill the cracks
It can be hard to tell where the silverfish are hiding when they only come out to play at night. The best way to secure your home against these annoying pests is to fill in and seal any cracks and crevices. You can do this using caulk.
You also want to pay attention to any wallpapered parts of your home. As we said, paper is a favourite food source for silverfish bugs, so you'll want to make sure that your wallpaper is maintained. Peeling paper could well be keeping them around.
3. Clear away paper
Silverfish love paper. It is high in starch and makes the perfect source of food. Be sure to keep your beloved books, newspapers and important documents safe. The best way to do this is to move it to a secure box or a room that is not affected by the infestation.
Not only is having these starchy food sources lying around likely to encourage an infestation of silverfish to stick around, but you will also end up having to throw away anything that they've got into. You'd be surprised by how quickly they can work through your clutter!
4. Store food securely

Silverfish will eat their way through anything with high starch content, so it's important to keep any potential food sources out of reach.
If you currently store pasta in its plastic packaging, this might not be adequate protection. You can keep your food safe from silverfish by ensuring foods like pasta, cereal and sugar are all kept in air-tight containers.
How to get rid of silverfish
Is it too late to prevent a silverfish infestation? You might be wondering how to kill silverfish.
No matter whether you're looking for a humane solution, a natural method or a quick and effective chemical-based eradication, we're covering lots of different options when it comes to how to get rid of silverfish. We'd suggest using a few of these methods at the same time for best results.
5. Use a newspaper

Looking for a cheap, humane and non-toxic method? Why not give newspaper a try? As paper is one of the silverfish's go-to food sources, newspaper makes great bait, especially when moist. Before you go to bed, set a few newspaper traps. Follow these steps to make your own:
- Take an old newspaper and roll it up lengthways.
- Secure it with some elastic bands.
- Carefully soak it with water until the sheets are a little bit damp, but not mushy.
- Leave a few of the traps around your home in places where you have seen silverfish.
The silverfish will be attracted to the traps and should take refuge in them overnight. In the morning, carefully discard of the newspapers. You can repeat this for a few nights in a row, or until you stop seeing silverfish in your home.
6. Diatomaceous earth
Another popular way to kill insects, including bed bugs, is to use diatomaceous earth. The particles of the powder are razor sharp, meaning that any bugs that crawl over it will have their bodies ripped apart - lovely!
This is another slightly messy method, but it works well as a last resort.
7. Purchase a commercial silverfish product
If you're looking for a slightly more potent way to get rid of silverfish, you could try out commercial products. There are a few different options out there, including different sprays and bait traps.
Sprays might be toxic to children and pets, so be sure to read the instructions on the packaging.
8. DIY jar trap

Looking for a more humane DIY trap? Why not try using an old jar?
Take an old, clean jar and wrap the outside with tape from top to bottom. Masking tape works best for this, but any tape will do. The ridges of the tape will help the insects to climb their way inside of the jar, but they won't be able to climb back out.
Place some torn up pieces of bread in the bottom of the jar to lure them in. As with all the other traps, be sure to empty and reset it in the morning.
9. Scatter wood shavings
A slightly messier way to banish silverfish from your home involves scattering cedar wood shavings around the perimeter of the room you wish to treat. The smell of the shavings will ward off the pests, without having to capture them.
Long term, this method isn't the most effective, because there is a lot of clean up involved and no one wants to feel like they're living in a hamster cage 24/7! This could also push the silverfish towards other parts of your home.
10. DIY sticky bait traps
If you want to make your own sticky traps, why not use duck tape? It's a cheap solution and will catch dozens of silverfish in their tracks. Place it sticky side up around the perimeter of the room that you wish to treat. Each morning, discard and replace any tape that has insects stuck to it.
This treatment keeps a room usable and is non-toxic. It's not the most humane, as the silverfish are likely to die.
11. How to get rid of silverfish with essential oils
Wondering how to get rid of silverfish naturally? Lavender and lemon essential oils will ward off not just silverfish, but a whole host of other creepy crawlies. Dilute a few drops of the oil into a trigger spray bottle of water and spray liberally around your home. You can also peel the skin off of a lemon or any citrus fruit to achieve the same results.
12. Spices

Can you use spices to repel silverfish bugs? Yes, you can! Place a small bowl of any particularly odorous spice into your cupboards, or around the edge of the room. Don't scatter spices directly onto any surface, as a lot of them will stain.
13. Call in the professionals
Just can't get rid of them? If your silverfish problem persists after trying all of these methods, you might have a high-level infestation on your hands. This shouldn't be the case, but you might want to call in the professionals to fumigate your home. This can be costly, so we'd only recommend it as a last resort.
What is the difference between a silverfish and a firebrat?
Silverfish and firebrats are often confused because they look so alike. They are the same size and have the same body shape. The key difference is their colouring. One, as the name suggests, is much more silver. The other is an orangey-brown colour.
Firebrats prefer warm temperatures, while silverfish prefer cooler, humid spaces.
What do silverfish eat?
Silverfish are attracted to starch-based food sources, including pasta, cereal, and even paper.
Where do silverfish come from?
Silverfish can either come in from outside, inside of the foundations of the home, or they might be brought in accidentally through a delivery package or when moving.
What do silverfish do?
Silverfish are completely harmless but they will make holes when eating paper-based items in your home. They can also leave behind a yellow stain.
Have you experienced a silverfish infestation? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below!
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I think you should remove suggestion Numer 10. DIY sticky bait traps - they are incredibly cruel!
Hi April! We do agree that it's inhumane, and have mentioned that at the end of the point. We have covered all the options, as it might be the only fix for some people.
I think it should be removed also, in my opinion cruel methods should not be listed.
I will try some /all whatever means possible to get rid of these horrid creatures, cruel or not - they make my skin crawl! Thanks for the tips.
They make our skin crawl too! Thanks for the feedback, Rube.
Am I really reading this right? Cruel and I humane ways of controlling pests in your homes? All this talk about cruelty to a pest? Come on. The bugs DO NOT HAVE A SOUL and are therefore not affected by so called ‘cruelty’ *SMH Please do not remove the so-called cruel ways of eliminating pests. There are many of us who do not have an issue with these methods. Thank you for all methods you list.
You're welcome, Tammy! We know not everyone has the same opinion, so we like to give lots of options.
Thank you for the tips to get rid of silverfish will be giving them all a go. Got a slight problem with them in the kitchen. Not overly over run with them , but did hear that they breed like wild fire . And i have also seen baby ones aswell. Have tried the commerical sprays and powders .Every thing ok for a little while, then they come back again. So eill definitely be trying all of your suggestions .thanks again. Tracey
Hi Tracey! I had the exact same problem and, after following these steps, they've completely disappeared. I hope they work for you!
Great tips. We always find carpet beetles around our home. Do you think these tips will work for those or can you suggest anything else? Are they common?
Hi Dally! Carpet Beetles require different treatments to Silverfish - but don't worry, they're very common! The best thing to do to combat them is to clean and vacuum regularly. We're in the process of writing an article on them, so stay tuned for more tips.
I don't know what is cruel about trapping silverfish! They feed on dead skin cells, and they're an invasive pest. There will never be a shortage of them. They can be as bad as termites. Goodness.
Hi, Timi! It's a personal preference - some people don't harm any insects, including spiders. We've included cruelty-free methods so that our audience can make an informed choice.
I literally woke up two weeks ago feeling something running around my FACE. Of course I did a full cardio workout while jumping out of bed and turning on the light. To my horror, there was a silverfish on my pillow. I have seen a couple of them here and there in our upstairs but ON MY FACE?????? I had read to put cinnamon sticks around and I did that. The whole perimeter of the room. Thank goodness for large cinnamon stick craft bags. Decided to sleep in the recliner for a few days even though I scrubbed that room from top to bottom and, of course, just cleaned the boxspring, mattress and linens because my husband wouldn't let me burn the house to the ground. About a week later I woke up in the recliner and felt something fall from my hair and, once again, brought my heart rate up so high that I should have burned all my calories for the day. Couldn't find anything. Sat on the bed and just waited and saw a spider crawl out of the blanket I was using on the recliner. I'm 65 yrs. old. I have NEVER had this happen before. And now, twice in as many weeks??? I always shower before bed and go to bed with wet hair. Could that have something to do with it?? Why hasn't it ever happened before??? I am currently going on my 4th night with maybe an hour of a sleep. I am completely traumatized and am at a loss for what to do.
Hi Marge! Wow, this sounds like a horrific experience - I just shuddered from reading your message! Hopefully, some of these tips will help you ward insects away. I don't think that sleeping with wet hair will have attracted the insects - you can read about the effects of sleeping with wet hair in our blog post here > That said, silverfish do love damp conditions, so there is a small chance! Running the shower late at night will also make your home damper (something they love!) at the time when they are most active. If your spider problem continues, do check out the tips in this article > I don't blame you for wanting to burn the house down, but your husband might be right... Wishing you luck and I hope that you banish them from your home soon!
Hi, I just saw one sliverfish in my bathroom about an hour ago and I’m ashamed to say I’m on a bit of a research spiral. I’ve heard read about them falling on you and crawling in your bed, I only saw one but I’m afraid that there could be hundreds more in places I can’t see and because my bathroom is en suite I can’t help but think they’re going to get into my bed. I’m never sleeping again!
Hope you managed to sleep, Emma!
How bad was your infestation? We just bought our 30 year old home in November and we find at least one, but usually more, daily. We are desperate and are considering selling our home already!
Hi Ellen! Definitely give these methods a try.
Hi there, I’ve tried a few of these methods (not all) including Using pure lavender essential oil spray, putting cinnamon sticks out, using diatomaceous earth in a few areas and sticky traps. While the traps catch a couple silver (I’ve had several out for about three weeks and think I’ve caught three silverfish and killed about two that I’ve seen in the middle of the night in the bathroom). My question is, how long would these above methods take to work (how long should I keep at it taking into consideration their life cycles and even if I kill any fully grown silverfish today, there could be eggs somewhere). At what point is it worth it to seek professional help? I live in a condo and have high suspicions they may be coming through the walls from other units. Thanks!
The time it takes for the above methods to work may vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the effectiveness of the methods used. If the infestation persists despite your efforts or you suspect the silverfish are coming from neighbouring units, it might be worth seeking professional help.
Hi, I seem to get just one in my bathroom, its running a round until you stand over it and it stays still or darts under the toilet roll holder,but we only ever find one. I remember a pest controller sayiny to me this was many years ago, when I was 20, and I am 63,now but he said all ways remember Where there is one,there is 2 and where there is 2 there is a family. My partner will catch one in a jar, and slide some paper under the jar, and then he will put it out the window, where me, I want it dead and not running round my house. Everyyear I put conkers all round the house toward of the spiders, it works apart from this black pesky silverfish . So I will try some of your methods. But wonder why the conkers don't work on them.
Let us know how you get on!
paper based insulation was a huge factor in our home.... we recently had the insulation replaced up in the attic and there are tons of silverfish carcasses. we now have fiberglass insulation.
Thanks for sharing!
We are so fed up with the silverfish issue, the owner of the home did not disclose they had an infestation when we bought it, it wasn't until we did renovations we saw how bad it was. We have used, essential oils, chemical sprays, diatomaceous earth powder, sticky traps, paper traps, caulking on the inside and outside cracks of our home. We had rooms professionally sealed ripped up the carpet. We gave in and paid for fumigation, it didn't work the first time to eradicate them, so the professional came back a second time and sprayed again indoors and outdoors, it's less of a population of them but we're still seeing these damn things, we have no idea where they are coming from or how. It is incredibly frustrating, I am at a point where I want to just sell the house as-is and move. It's gross and I hate it.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Alyssa! It sounds like a nightmare.
Iv recently moved from a flat to another flat and guess what,silverfish in both flats,have they got into our packing boxes?. I hate them.
Hi Sharon! I'm sorry to hear that. They could have been in your packing boxes (they love cardboard!), but it might be that your new flat also has an infestation.
I’m sorry, people, but I dont care how inhumane a solution is, as long as I get rid of the silverfish who threaten my life as a bookworm! Learning about silverfish has been nice, but, knowing that they go after paper and books just makes me mad.
It's a bookworm's worst nightmare!
I moved into a flat with my husband, the previous tenants and the landlord never mentioned a thing. But as spiders eat silverfish we're finding spiders everywhere too. My skin is crawling, and I feel sick at the thought. I found one in the bathroom, and then I find at least one every day since. It ran away when I poured lavender essential oils, but it doesn't last forever so hopefully these tips will. I am demented! From using salt to cinnamon to essential oils, they just won't leave. We now have a cat, but she ways seems to be asleep when these ugly little pests are roaming around the house, I have insomnia so I see them quite often, and once found one of the wall during the day. We had a lot of holes in the walls which I've filled, and along the skirting boards, I don't know what to do anymore and we live in a block of flats too so maybe if we have them our neighbours do too...
Does your flat have damp or condensation problems? If you can fix that, it might help.
It is awful to be suggesting cruel things to do to them, they are living things too, if you're scared of them imagine how they feel
Hi Olivia! Thanks for sharing your opinion on pest control. Not everyone will agree, but we have provided some ethical methods for managing an infestation.
I have been trying to eradicate these critters for the past 2 years without success, it seems no matter what they still keep appearing. I tried the jam jar and bread and put the jars in areas the silverfish had been seen but that was a complete waste of time!!! I live in a 2nd floor flat and I've seen them come under the front door. I have found a crawling insect spray that works well although I have to use it weekly, I see less than I used to so that's a good thing.
To address a silverfish infestation, in addition to using crawling insect spray, it's essential to address the underlying causes, such as dampness and seal up any entry points. If the infestation persists, consider seeking professional help from a pest control expert.
Aww, leave them alone, they're only trying to survive. I think they're sweet. They can be seen in the bathroom. I've had them in the past. People are too quick to want to kill every creature and it makes me sick. In most cases we are the interloper and we should respect all creatures, in particular those having been here longer than us.
That's a nice view to have!
I used an egg cup full with wooden cedar balls soaked in cedar oil. I have less than before. I hate them.
Sounds great!
Can you help? We bought a new build with ceiling mounted aor vents, we have got tiny brown moth like creatures that crawl out of the vents, the main unit in the loft is sealed, have tried placing moth balls under the unit in the loft, monthly spray all the vents, worse during summer months, any ideas suggestions greatly received!
I'm sorry to hear that! To solve this issue, one solution is to have a professional clean the ductwork in your home. You also can try using an Insect Pheromone trap and vacuum the moths and their larvae. A final solution could be to seal any potential entry points for the moths, like gaps around air vents or in the ductwork, to prevent the moths from entering.
Help a silverfish fell down the side of my bed and I cant find it should I leave it
Hi Lacey! You could try our methods to see if you can catch it.
They make my skin crawl as well, and it’s jeopardized my mental health. I don’t feel comfortable in our home and as a stay at home mom, it’s very tough. There are worse things in life for sure. Yet this is definitely negatively affecting my quality of life. Who could think that non biting insects could be so terrible. Reading an article about one getting stuck in a woman’s ear nearly sent me over the edge. I don’t know what to do. Hoping to one day move to a place that doesn’t have issues for once. Would be nice. I am grateful for my family but this is my selfish wish. Hoping and believing that everyone dealing with this somehow doesn’t have to soon.
So sorry to hear that! I hope our tips help.