- Different types of spiders
- Why do spiders come inside?
- How to catch a spider
- How to get rid of spiders
Wondering how to get rid of spiders? We know they don't mean us any harm (most of the time), but it's hard to be rational with their 8 legs dangling all over the place!
If you're afraid of creepy crawlies, or you just want to stop them from leaving cobwebs, it can be helpful to know how to keep them out of the home. Good news - today we're sharing 17 simple and effective home remedies that will help you to get rid of spiders in the house (and they're surprisingly easy!)
Don't forget to share this with other arachnophobes too!
Editor's Note: This post was originally posted in May 2015 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in August 2020.
Different types of spiders

We do have plenty of spiders in the UK, but one thing to be thankful for is that they rarely bite, and those that do won't cause any prolonged symptoms.
Some of the most common house spiders that you might find in your house include Giant House Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Hobo Spiders, Zebra Jumping Spiders, Cupboard Spiders, Money Spiders, Lace Web Spiders, False Widow Spiders and Cardinal Spiders.
If you're wondering how to get rid of Wolf Spiders or Brown Recluse Spiders, the methods are the same as with any other spider. You should take additional care when dealing with this poisonous species - their bite is venomous!
Why do spiders come inside?
Believe it or not, spiders don't always come inside. In fact, only 5% of house spiders have ever been outside.
House spiders grow in numbers when egg sacs are carried in on furniture or building materials. From there, they mate and generally live in or under the same house throughout their entire life.
You may be wondering why you see more spiders at certain times of the year, especially if they're not coming from outside. There's an explanation for that - male spiders come out in search of females during the mating season. This is usually late summer, but it varies for each species.
How to catch a spider
If you do find a spider in your home, you might be wondering what the best way to remove it is. The most popular method for catching spiders in the home is to use a jar or a glass. This is a humane method that allows you to catch spiders without killing them, and get rid of them fast. You can use any container for your DIY trap, but the best spider catching tools are:
- Transparent
- Not too big and not too small
- Not too heavy or fragile
You'll need nerves of steel to get close enough to the spider, and quick reflexes to trap it under the container. Once you have the spider trapped, you will need to slip a piece of paper under the jar. Takeaway menus and thin card work particularly well, because they give you a more solid base than paper.
Carefully slide the paper under the container and then lift up the jar and paper together, being careful to keep the spider trapped. Release the spider outside, leaving a good amount of distance from your home.
If you're a bit more squeamish when it comes to spiders, this spider catcher might be the solution for you.
How to get rid of spiders
If you really dislike spiders, the above news may come as quite a shock. All is not lost, however. We're sharing loads of easy ways to get rid of house spiders below.
1. Move the bins

Unlike humans, spiders love flies. Bins are like food courts to spiders, as flies love to hang around rubbish.
Wheel your bins to new places as far away from your house as possible, and keep them closed at all times to keep spiders well away from your windows and doors.
2. Use conkers
This is a great tip for those that want to know how to get rid of spiders naturally. The old wives' tale suggests that horse chestnuts (also known as conkers) contain certain chemicals that spiders find unpalatable.
But are spiders actually scared of conkers? A 2018 study found natural compounds, like horse chestnuts, to be effective in deterring spider settlements.
Place horse chestnuts in the corners of your house where you experience high traffic levels of spiders. Cut a few holes in them if you can to further release any chemicals. It might not work, but it's certainly worth a try if all else fails!
3. Turn off outdoor lights
It's no secret that light attracts insects, and what's a spider's favourite thing to eat? You guessed it - insects. Luring bugs into your home is like setting out a banquet with an 8-legged dress code.
Prevent this potential buffet feast from happening by switching off those lights tonight.
4. Get a cat

Your four-legged friend, Fluffy, is an experienced hunter and will take care of any spiders that have the audacity to crawl around the floor or on the furniture.
This is one of the best ways to get rid of spiders without chemicals. If you haven't already got a furry pal to help, what are you waiting for?
5. Grow eucalyptus
You might like the smell of eucalyptus, but it's thought that spiders do not. Consider growing eucalyptus as a houseplant or outside to discourage them from setting up camp in your house.
This is a wonderful, natural way to get rid of spiders in the home.
6. Deter those creepy crawlies with cinnamon

That strong Christmas scent isn't just for the holidays!
We're all for using home remedies, and this is no exception. Cinnamon is perfect for keeping spiders away, so grab yourself a cinnamon candle to burn. You'll be sending those spiders packing in no time.
7. Lemon Peel
Another great way to get rid of spiders naturally is to use lemon. Spiders hate citrus, so it's the perfect weapon.
Rub lemon peel all over your windowsills, bookshelves and anywhere they might like to hide. This is an easy way to move them along, and out of your home! If you're also looking for a way to get rid of spiders in the basement or garage, this could be an easy solution. Rubbing lemon around skirting boards and door frames should do the trick.
8. Vinegar
Want to make a natural spider repellent? Grab a spray bottle and mix white vinegar and water together. Go around the house and spray your mixture into all the little crevices around your home to deter spiders - it'll work a treat.
Don't worry about the smell, that will disappear as soon as it dries.
9. Peppermint
If you're really worried about the smell of vinegar, try peppermint!
Fill up a spray bottle with water and add 20 drops of peppermint essential oils. Head to the cracks and corners of your house and spray the mixture into them to get rid of spiders without killing them. You could even spray it on your duvet to try to deter them from your bed.
Another option is using a peppermint tea bag. Once you've brewed the tea, leave the squeezed bag in the room that's prone to spiders to deter them.
10. Clean up

The best way to get rid of spiders in the house is to dust, vacuum and de-clutter your home regularly.
It's not the quickest method, but keeping your home cleaned regularly will mean those 8-legged friends don't get a chance to build webs and set up shop in your home.
11. Clean the garden
What if you're wondering how to get rid of spiders outside? We have the answer!
You might think there's little you can do to keep your garden spider-free, but that's where you're wrong. The fuller your backyard, the easier it is for spiders to build webs and set up camp.
If you've got lots of plant pots and foliage around your house that spiders love to build webs in, then it's time to clear and prune. It's also a good idea to keep plants away from the perimeter of your home. If you have large shrubs against the brick wall, you'll only encourage them to head inside.
12. Seal up the cracks
How do those spiders get in anyway?
Spiders will gain entry to your home through cracks and openings around windows and doors.
Prevent them by sealing up the cracks with sealant.
13. Get rid of old drink vessels
Spiders are big fans of old bottle and cans so recycle them as quickly as possible before they move in.
14. Keep pet food covered

Do you know how much flies love to buzz around your Summer BBQs? They'll find the same appeal in meaty pet food.
Grab some plastic boxes and place them over pet food to prevent it from attracting flies and other bugs, which will, in turn, lure spiders into your home.
15. Bleach
Bleach is useful for many things - one of which is a homemade pesticide.
Spraying diluted bleach onto areas where spiders are lurking will soon get rid of them.
Read our guide on how to get bleach smells off your hands next.
16. Lavender
Lavender might smell lovely to us, but spiders aren't such fans!
Fill a spray bottle almost full with warm water, then add 7 drops of lavender essential oils and 1 tbsp washing up liquid. Shake to combine, then spray into areas spiders are a problem (windows, doors and the base of walls are usually a good place to start).
This is a nice one for the bedroom, as it will make the whole room smell gorgeous!
17. Wash fruit
Fruit attracts flies, which attract spiders. Grapes are particularly appealing to insects, so spiders are more likely to make their web amongst and around them.
Although most farmers now used pesticides which should prevent this, organically-grown produce may be more likely to house the odd spider or two.
To be on the safe side, always give your fruit a clean when you bring them home from the supermarket.
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How do you get rid of spiders in the car?
Spiders love to hide in cars, and they can be tricky to keep out. The first step is to keep doors and windows shut as much as possible, and to make sure that there aren't any gaps for them to sneak through. Next, you'll want to vacuum your car regularly to remove crumbs and spider webs.
Give your car a thorough clean with a general-purpose spray and then use one of the natural remedies above to deter them from coming back. Natural ingredients such as cinnamon, vinegar and citrus can be used to scent your car.
What do spiders eat?
Spiders do have one advantage - they'll trap and eat pests in your home. Insects like cockroaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, flies, and moths will be no match for their sticky webs!
Why do spiders bite?
Spiders will bite if they feel threatened. Spiders don't feed on human blood in the same way as bed bugs or mosquitos, so you don't need to be scared if you have them in your home.
How do you get rid of spider eggs?
You might have discovered a small egg sack near your windows or doorframes. This could be full of hundreds, if not thousands, of baby spiders that can hatch at any moment. If not dealt with, you'll have to handle a full-blown spider infestation. If you're removing the egg sack yourself, take care not to damage the sack, as you could disturb the baby spiders.
Take a piece of kitchen roll and carefully dislodge the egg sack. Place the kitchen roll and the egg sack into a bin bag and tie the handles securely. Dispose of the bin bag in your general waste. You could also use a vacuum to dislodge and suck up the egg sack, but the sack might burst inside of your vacuum.
Do spiders come up the plughole?
If you've found a spider in your bath, you might think it's crawled up the plughole in true Incy-Wincy style. There's no need to leave your plug blocking the drain 24/7, as this simply isn't true! The U-bend in your plumbing will prevent any spiders from getting into your bath.
We hope you've enjoyed the tips!
Please share this article with your arachnophobic friends and let us know your tips in the comments below...
I had two cats the female did get spiders i always knew as i would find just the legs the next day yuk but she passed away her brother now about 20 however is useless and has been fired apprentice style on many occasions when i have put spiders right in front of him and he looks at me with a gormless expression as if to say "AND" he wont even chase moths useless lol
Ha ha Liza - I like that he has been fired 'Apprentice-style' - maybe you need to a get a kitten now - (any excuse!)
I walked into the kitchen to get my sandwich which i forgot, when i turned back i found this giant blocking my way in the hall. It wasnt there 20 seconds before & i know it was outright trying to bully me. So now, 30 mins later, i have him in a cleat tray like a type of curry tray with a clip on lid. i made holes for him to breathe. I'm good at catching flies but their aint any in the house so until one comes along he's have to starve. I named him BUNKER, after Archie who also had brass balls, lol. They are getting bigger the past couple of years but this is defo the biggest ive caught so far.
It's crucial to handle bugs with care and not keep them as pets. Contact a professional pest control service to remove pests and release caught bugs back into the wild as soon as possible.
I have four cats and one of the girls loves finding spiders and in the porchway where the webs and woodlice creap from, she will literally lick the corners clean and eat whatever comes out. Lol it’s not that we don’t feed her but she just loves spiders and woodlice and webs in the corners of the porch.
Hi Michelle! Sounds like the best cat ever - can we borrow her?
Our cat is a wonderful huntress. Hardly seen any spiders since we got her and those we do aren't alive for long :P
Hi Phillip! What are cats for, eh?
I know many of us don't like spiders in the house but you really should leave them be. They pose us no harm whatsoever (unless you have venomous ones in your Country). They should be thought of as friends as they do a fantastic job eating all the nasty little bugs, cockroaches and flies that lurk in our homes that DO carry health risks such as typhoid, gastroenteritis, salmonella and many parasites including intestinal worms. Spiders are spooky but not dirty. You will rarely have ant or insect invasions if they are predated on by a resident spider! I leave them be and it irks me that my cat's hobby is rolling them into little dead spider balls! Save your efforts and remedies for dealing with insects that DO pose health risks but if you leave the spiders alone you probably won't have to. I have one living just inside my backdoor in the skirting, a quick inspection shows he has stopped many little bugs getting much further into my house this week!
Hi Amanda! Thanks for sharing this view. It's great to hear that you're able to cohabit with your spiders. I think most people would be too spooked, but maybe if they read this they might change their minds!
I agree with Amanda and Judith. If you get rid of all spiders you'll have bigger problems later on. It's OK to get rid of a few - like that one that sitting there looking at you - but generally let them get on with the great job they do.
Help! I'm allergic to cats, so that's out. My house and basement are overrun with spiders. I can vacuum away dozens one day, and find a dozen more 2 days later. I look at the webs; and they rarely have other insects caught in them. I vacuumed the dense hanging webs and spiders in our 225 year old dirt basement. I have sprayed the basement and entire house (walls, holes, cracks, baseboards, with the peppermint oil spray, multiple times in the last few weeks. The entire duct work system was professionally cleaned 2 weeks ago. My house is immaculate as it is minimally furnished as an Air bnb. Still, the spiders return. I'm on the verge of using spray poisons. Has anyone out there actually used a natural deterrent and found it truly effective? Which one(s)? HELP!
Hi Amy! Do you have a lot of vegetation (shrubs, plants, etc) around the perimeter of your home? This could be attracting spiders.
Why would you want o rid your home of spiders? They keep flies and other bugs away. It's a shame that fear is and ignorance is responsible for the way the majority of people react to things they don't understand. Please don't publish articles like this as it does nothing to help teach people about the creatures that will help us. We humans don;t own this planet, we share it, and we have to learn how to share.
Thanks for sharing your view, Judith.
Judith some people have a honest fear of them and having them in the home where they should feel safe if traumatizing for them.
Thank you Anna Maria. I’m absolutely petrified and can not explain the pure fear that comes over me. I’ve had two in two days and I’m terrified!
I’ve come on the internet looking for remedies in getting rid if them as I found a giant spider in the living room this evening and asked my partner to put it out for me. My dace was white as if I’ve seen a ghost. I’m truly terrified of them and even seeing the spider emoji on my keyboard gives me shivers.. it’s 2.30am and still can’t sleep! :((
I completely agree with this as though spiders help with ally of thing there shape and form and frighten people into phobias and life long fear of these creature even though yes we are sharing the world with them I don’t think when you chilling in your room you’d want to find a creepy crawly almost crawling on your arm p.s that happened to me five minutes ago that why I’m on here
And not only having a fear of them but having your young toddlers running around in finding brown recluse and big wolf spiders in your home is terrifying I understand spiders take care of small bugs and flies and all of that I'm not scared of the flies the other bugs I want them out of my home no one's asking questions about whether it's right or wrong to keep spiders in your home we just want to know to how to effectively get rid of them from our home and our families and go about our way what is the most effective proven fact on here that people use to do this I'm very honestly concerned that one of my children are going to get bit and it's going to cause serious injuries and I need to do this quickly effectively and as soon as possible
What about them crawling over you as you sleep. Wonder how many have been unknowingly eaten.
Hi Bill! Rest assured; it's highly unlikely that people unknowingly eat spiders. It would be a rare occurrence.
Spiders may cause fear or discomfort, but most are harmless and essential to our ecosystem. To deal with spiders in your living space, use a glass or container to trap and release them outside, and seek professional help if you have a severe phobia.
To eliminate spiders in your home effectively, eliminate their food source by regularly cleaning and sealing up any gaps, use traps to capture spiders, and consider contacting a pest control professional if needed. While brown recluse and wolf spiders are venomous, taking precautions can help avoid bites.
can you use essential oils? if I put in a spray eucalyptus essential oil and levander with water and spray it all over the house (I know it is good when you got cold and flu) would that be better than grow the tree in your house?
Hi Lilach! It's well worth a try. Peppermint oil also works great for deterring spiders. Good luck!
Hi Joanne - Re #17: You mentioned spiders being attracted to grapes. I always keep mine (the grapes!) in the fridge. They taste better colder, too. I'm always finding huge spiders in the bath. Do they come up through the plug hole? Would wiping the inlets with eucalyptus oil, lemon peel, vinegar, peppermint or bleach, as you suggested, keep them away? I don't have a cat but a dog who loves to chase flies and moths, etc. I'll have to introduce her to a spider and see what happens.
Hi Sandy! Thanks for commenting. Apparently, spiders can't get in through plugholes, because the U bend stops them. There's no concrete evidence to confirm this anywhere so I would wipe the inlets, as you said, to keep them away.
There most definitely is evidence to support this. u-bends under sinks and bath tubs are always full of water. The new water forces out the old when you pull the plug out to drain. The water acts as a physical barrier with the bottom half of the u-bend being submerged, something would have to swim under water, around the u-bend and out the other side to pass. This is why you don't smell the toilet drains and other fowl smells from sinks etc...as the water in the u-bend stops it passing out the other side.
Thanks for sharing! We were talking about the lack of evidence for if spiders could get through.
Thank you so much really appreciate this spider article. Iv tryed conkers but the spiders are every where. Will be trying these
Hey Raz! We're so glad you found it useful!
I have a spider and a fly problem.
Hi Jan. Could you please tell us a little bit more about the problem?
Thanks for the article. it was so useful! But eating spiders make our cats sick so maybe we won't do that hack
You're welcome, Jennifer!
We have spiders bit we can't get rid of them and their are posionis spiders that creep my sister put a lot
Oh no! What have you tried so far?
good choices to do and i dont like spiders tbh
Neither do we, Eva!
My new apartment is like that movie "Arachnaphobia" I find a couple of Daddy long legs spiders every day. Im pretty sure they are living in the heating ducts, and Im eager to try to get rid of them. I'll try the peppermint and lavender. Thanks.
That sounds like a nightmare, Greg! Good luck - please let us know how you get on.
i hate spiders.when i see tgem i alwats get nervouse and feel like goint to die .thnks for ur guidance ill try
Good luck!
I use the spider stop spray, I bought at Lakeland.co.uk, coupled with putting a dish of conkers on the window ledge, in every room. I use the spray every 3 mths, and go out into my local neighbourhood, to collect the conkers, as they come down. People who have conker trees in their front garden, are only too happy, to let you have them, because it saves them a job! ?☺
Very true!
I️ already know spiders are suppose to be a help but I️ have severe Arachnophobia. It’s so bad that I️ will leave the premises if me and the spider is in the same space. I’ve tried the vinegar thing. It sort of works. I️ also moo my floors with vinegar, spray my vents, windows and door and carpet. I️ still spotted 4 spiders within less than 24 hrs. I️ don’t know if it’s drawing them out as well. I️ also think my vinegar/water solution might be too Diluted. I️ am going to add a few more methods to my routine. I️ heard mothballs work too. So I’m going to get peppermint/ eucalyptus oil and put it in my oil warmer. Also, my house is very clean and not much clutter. We don’t keep things near or in the corners. I️ spray vinegar everyday/ twice a day. In the morning and before bed. I’m going to add more things to my vinegar solution like orange peels because I️ heard that works with cinnamon, black pepper and dish soap. With less water and see how that works. I️ don’t want to fogg or call an exterminator because that work require killing up dead bugs and finding them everywhere or them coming out and ending up in my clothes and etc. hopefully this works. It feels like I️ have an infestation and I’m hoping I️ can rid of it before my baby is born.
Good luck! I hope it helps you.
That spider in your main pic is actually venomous to the big black house spiders, so I leave them alone in my house. And yes, I am an arachnophobe
Thanks for sharing!
I must agree with several of the comments above, spiders are our FRIENDS, in that they prey on potentially disease-carrying insects, however, that’s not much consolation to those who are arachnophobic, even mildly so (remember that a phobia is an IRRATIONAL fear). A couple of stories, it’s not just cats that will hunt spiders, one of my dogs, a Chihuahua spotted a rather large House Spider scuttling across the floor and pounced on it, then wondered why it didn’t move any more! Also, my grandson, when young, was afraid of spiders until he watched “Charlotte’s Web”, after that we called them “Charlottes” instead of spiders, so whenever he saw one he was no longer afraid of them! Finally, please note that if you put a House Spider outside it will die, so even a humane method of catching them is not so humane after all.
Thanks for sharing! It's very true - an irrational fear is just that.
It is irrational. My mum is always saying this too. I answer with the same thing every time 'I know it's irrational but that doesn't make my fear any less real'
I can cope with most spiders, but those giant house spiders are something else.. I've caught 5 just this week and 3 of those were found in my bedroom. One of them I actually found this morning because my cat woke me up with her grumbling and there it was, just sitting in her cat bed in the corner. There is no way I'm getting any sleep if I know there's one loose in my bedroom! And my cat apparently feels the same way so she's not helping me out much!
Sorry to hear that, Charlotte! I hope one of these methods works for you.
My cat chloe only goes after them when she wants to i have 5 spiders in my house and i dont like them one bit. And i am a clean freak if one has to ask.
Cats have a mind of their own, that's for sure!
I have to agree with all those who say "Spiders are our Friends". Hasn't man done enough damage to our plant? which will take millions of years to rectify. Don't understand how someone can be frightened of something that is a million times smaller than man, but do understand people do have these "irrational" fears, which if you wanted to you could seek help for. If it really so bad get a friend who isn't scared to remove them humanely, put things down to stop them coming into your home but Please Please do not kill them. EHT I also agree with Judith's comment above why do you publish articles like this one, Some of your articles are very useful but you need to be more careful in your choice(s) of what you put into print.
Hi Mary! Thanks for your feedback. We will take it into consideration. It's always interesting to hear our readers views on these topics.
I agree wholeheartedly with people say leave them be and if you must remove a house spider try to move to shed to give better chance to survive.I may be bias as I keep large predatory spiders as pets but the spiders we have in UK are harmless and will keep house clear of bugs that can cause us harm.I recently found egg sac and due to my daughters dislike I gently moved outside ( it’s really in attic ?)
I don't think I could sleep at night knowing there was an egg sac in the loft! You're braver than me.
i’ve just found a bunch of baby huntsmans everywhere so i don’t know what to do i am petrified of spiders and i understand that they’re good and all but they’re everywhere
Would they be easy to collect and release?
I have 2 cats, both of whom will just sit and watch as a spider wanders past them, leaving mugging here to catch it and put it outside (the spider, nkt the cats. My cats do, however, catch and eat flies, though they are quite happy to let me swat it first then eat it off the fly swat! So, if you don't want flies in your house get a cat and if you don't want spiders in your house get a lizard!
That's a funny story... Unfortunately, we can't guarantee the effectiveness of having a feline friend around the house. A lizard could be a great alternative!
Hopefully some of these things work I have so many spiders in my room! I saw 7 today and I let them out in my front yard
That's a lot of spiders, Alesha!
I wake up in the morning sometimes with a very itchy red spot. I have assumed it was from a spider but perhaps it is from some bug. I do not want to use a bug spray because it will leave an odor in my mattress and carpet.
Hi there! Have you checked for any other signs of bed bugs?
I don’t know one spider from another, but I have found a very large one, a couple of small ones and a couple small thick ones. They got to go. I can’t sleep, just the thought of them landing in my bed. I pray some or all of these remedies work. Thank you for posting great home remedies
Hope it helps!
I will be trying the lemon peel and peppermint oil... I understand that some on here are saying that we should let the spiders be.... But it's very hard when u r absolutely petrified and my 2 daughters are worse than me... I have got so bad that when I enter a room.. I'm almost immediately looking in the corners.. Its become normal for me to be so scared.. Im too scared to even hoover behind furniture... So I get my husband to do those areas... So I'll be trying the tips on here.. Thanks
That's very true. Everyone has different fears!
Plz help! There is a spider in my ceiling fan and I cannot get it out... And I have no idea how! Plz help meeeeeeee
Hi there! Whereabouts in the ceiling fan? If it is already dead, you could try using a can of compressed air to force it out.
I have a spider in my bathroom and I am TERRIFIED of spiders. What do I do? I'm a kid btw.
If you're scared of the spider in your bathroom, ask an adult for help. They can either remove the spider or guide you through the process of removing it yourself.
I’ve had about 15 to 20 within approx 2 weeks I’ve tried white vinegar mixed with water & sprayed & now I’m trying peppermint oil & spraying that but yet found yet another one tonight. I’m hardly getting any sleep as I’m constantly putting light on to check. I’ve stopped opening windows even though the weather is really warm but they still seem to appear I’m at my wits end with them. Can you recommend something that actually works.
To control spiders in your home, seal off entry points and keep your home clean, use natural or chemical repellents and traps, or call a pest control professional if the infestation is severe.
There’s a really big spider behind my bed and I can’t get it out, I’ve sprayed vinegar, and lavender everywhere except my door so it’ll go away but it hasn’t yet, I don’t have a cat, and I have no clue what to do next, I’m terrified, I only got three hours of sleep and I need this spider out! It’s a very bad tenant
I'm sorry to hear that! You can try to capture the spider using a cup and a piece of paper or vacuum it up using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment.
Wondering how cinnamon scent pinecones would work in basement to keep spiders away
Cinnamon scent pinecones may help deter spiders from entering a basement by interfering with their ability to sense their surroundings. However, their effectiveness may vary, and combining their use with other natural spider-repelling methods is recommended.
i find spiders all over my room. how do i get rid of them?
Hi Antonio! Have you tried the tips in the article?
I hate spiders however have an agreement with a fairy spider living in my bathroom he’s (so i thought) been living there for about a month or so now, however he is a she and has just had many babies! How do i safely remove mama and the babies out my bathroom? The reason i let the fairy spiders stay is ive been told they’re the good guys and kill the BIG spiders that are not welcome. Any help would be gratefully received.
Hi Heather! If they are all in one area, you could try taking a large container to temporarily trap them. Carefully slip a piece of paper or card over the top and then take them outside. You could also try an insect vacuum - you can get them pretty cheap online. The vacuum shouldn't kill the insects, but helps to collect them all up in a humane way for release outside.
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO BIG I CAN'T
Hi June! Have you followed the steps in the article?
Enjoyed the article and responses. For those trying to get rid of the spiders, don't forget to check under the furniture, many spiders love dark lonely places. Also if you can look behind the stove and refrigerator the web and egg sac usually are lurking there in my house. But as you commented, carefully remove that egg sac, or "millions of tiny baby spiders will scuttle wildly across the floor and be gone before you can sweep them up!" explains the voice of ecperience.
It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it!
Hi. I have a bad fear of spiders. I found a big light brown spider in my lounge. I jumped up on the sofa as it disappeared under the settee. I got a cup and waited. I didn't sleep all night as trying to catch the spider. It showed itself about 8.00am. When I missed it. I've now spent all day trying to catch it and it ran towards me and I miss it again . So I might not sleep tonight either. It's big spider and my fear and anxiety is really high now. Hope I catch him tonight so I can sleep.
If you're afraid of catching the spider, you can ask for help from a friend or a professional pest control service. Remember to treat all living creatures with respect and kindness.
I used to never bother with spiders, I wasn’t scared of them and let them get on with it, until I was in bed one night an I felt something fall into my ear. It was a spider. It made me dizzy feel sick and horrible. I jumped up so fast I’ll never forget it. I pressed and pressed my ear to stop it moving. I ended up with it in my ear for around 6 months. The doc, surgery nurses etc completely ignored me when I told them about the spider. Had ear irrigation twice and it still didn’t come out. Told me it was a hard bit of wax. I finally got it out myself and it had turned the colour of ear wax. Took it to the clinic in a tissue. They kept it as a teaching aid. I now hate spiders and have a fear I never had in my life before.
Understandably, you developed a fear of spiders after the traumatic experience of having one crawl into your ear for six months. It may be helpful to seek help from a mental health professional to work through your fear and develop coping strategies.
I have used Conkers for years, I might get the odd one or 2, but my O/H will catch them in a container and put them outside. I hate spiders, and have done for years, since I was a wee child and I was teased, all the time, One boy would say he had a spider and was going to throw it, I would run like the clappers, to get away from him. He and his mum thought it was funny, I however did not, and it only made me worse.
It's common to develop a fear of spiders after negative experiences with them. Consider seeking a therapist specialising in phobias or anxiety to help you overcome your fear.
Honestly I’d rather deal with the other insects than spiders! I always get annoyed when people say to ”leave them be”, because I can’t live in the same house with spiders. It’s either they go, or I go and I’m not about to give my house to a spider haha. Anyway, where I live we don’t have loads of spiders anyway, luckily, but I plan on moving abroad next year and I’ll definitely be using these methods! Thank you :)
I would have to agree with you, Laura!
I have a spider that's in the bathtub and will hide in the drain if anyone comes close. The furthest from the drain it's been is sitting on its web, right over the plug hole! I usually use the container trick to catch them but that obviously wont work here. I looked up its markings and it's a wasp spider so I know it needs to go back outside. How to I catch it???
Can you leave a container over the plug hole in the hopes it will come out and you can catch it quickly?
I can confirm that conkers works perfect. I always have a few of them spread on my windowsills and rarely can spot a spider in the house. Usually I just leave alone those long legged ones, as I'm not so scared of them as much as the big ones.
Thanks for sharing!
Danggg collen we da SAME Girlll!!! Lifelong Biscuit addict, love recipes and baking and lazy den a muggg!? Also arachnophobic, loves sweet tea, crafts and diy, and holidays!?
HIIIIII!!! I hate spiders i came to this website and i found this i was like ohhh cause i found a spider in my bathroom (so creepy)
I hope it helped, Isabella!
A lot of articles say non-poisonous spiders are harmless to humans, however, this is not totally accurate... As someone with O- blood type (which is known to attract bugs, especially spiders), I regularly attract spiders and have the constant bites to prove it. Spider bites often cause staph infections that have sent both myself and my husband to the ER several times. Please do not take it as lightly as everyone makes it sound. Spiders are dangerous, even if they aren't highly venomous.
That's very interesting! Thanks for sharing.
To be fair to everyone I feel everyone has their own feeling about these creatures. I personally hate them and want them dead. Outside they can roam free. But regardless I think everyone’s opinion should be posted. It’s one persons opinion and sometimes it might be the one that might change my mind or someone else’s mind. If you burn wood just remember all sorts of guests come in with the wood. So spray your wood.
Hi Debbie! That's a very fair point.
Our brains are hardwired to be scared of spiders. Compared to their size, as a species they are *so* disproportionately able to kill a human that when we were hunter gatherers it made sense for us to be instinctively wary of them and get away from them as quickly as possible (before we had even consciously aware of their location). It took millions of years for these instincts to develop, so unfortunately it takes more than the knowledge that there are no venomous spiders in the UK to stop many of us being terrified when we see one!
While some people may have an instinctual fear of spiders due to their evolutionary history, most species are harmless and play an essential role in the ecosystem. In addition, overcoming arachnophobia is possible through various treatments such as cognitive-behavioural therapy or exposure therapy.
If you are too scared of spiders, ask one of your friends to get rid of them and then use the methods state above to prevent them from entering your house again. And if you spot the eggs or there are way too many spiders, call some professionals and let them do the job.
Great idea!
I had pictured of a covered drain line while remodeling that when the fabric was taken out of the drain line, ground level btw, there was a spider web and spider inside of it. So, yes they do climb up drain lines. I havent seen them on smooth vinyl or plastic not that I am looking on a reg basis...
Spiders can climb up drain lines with rough surfaces to grip onto. Keeping drain lines clean and debris-free can help prevent spiders from taking up residence.
If I use peppermint and citrus fruits in my bedroom ( quite small) will that prevent my cat from coming in and eating the spiders? I would like to spider proof my window, but I don't want my cat to never come and sleep on my bed again
If you have cats, we wouldn't use peppermint or citrus oils. They are toxic to cats.
I’ve had 3 in the last day. You couldn’t write it, but in order to try and catch literally the biggest one I’ve ever seen…. It was the size of my hand, thick, black and just eughhh…… ok time to be brave it was on my bedroom curtain so I went to get a bucket to put under the curtain so I could knock it into bucket and take outside….. grabbed the bits out of the bucket only for another beast to run across the worktop… natural instinct for me……it got splatted. Took bucket to bedroom successfully knocked Mike “spider” Tyson into bucket with some water in the bottom and emptied out window. These curtains have conkers on the window sill behind them, I swear he just moved them out the way whilst breaking in through the window. Put bucket back in store room, went back to bedroom and flipping eck on the ceiling another one…. FML….. trapped in jar and took outside. I haven’t slept properly for 2 nights I used to just kill them but if they’re not too big I will try and catch and release but my fear has ramped up since the diner plate with legs crawled in…… I’ve mixed lemon orange and grapefruit peel in a bottle with white vinegar and lemon orange cinnamon and eucalyptus essential oil with a drop of bleach into spray bottle….. my bedroom stinks and I can hardly breathe but I’m praying they stay away…… they can come in just don’t let me see it or atleast stay out my bedroom please
Sounds scary!
I was a huge spider-phobic all my life and its not to say I'm still not but my phobia has toned down after my husband got a tarantula as a pet (2nd largest known species) and knowing they're behind glass and definitely can't escape (I've checked) i often find myself watching him and its so fascinating it has definitely made me less wary of our lesser household residents...except those that are built like brock lesner that have tattoos and just stand and look at you as if saying 'come closer i dare you' but my cat takes care of those in no time ?
Thanks for sharing! Exposure therapy can effectively manage phobias, and seeking professional help from a therapist or counsellor can also be beneficial in managing fears and phobias.
I have no problem with spiders as long as they stay outside! We get very large Wolf spiders and I have to admit I run the other way when I see them. We hired a pest control company to come spray our house and now I will also keep up with hopefully keeping them out using some of the home remedies that are posted. How often do I need to spray if I use the vinegar solution?
The frequency of applying the vinegar solution to keep spiders away depends on the severity of the infestation and your home's location. Generally, it is recommended to spray once a week or as needed.
I have tried all the things listed to get rid of spiders. Nothing has worked. I get bit all the time. My cat doesn't go after them. I even have cleaned the corners, ceilings, and any other place they nest. Please help!!!
Hi Jean! It sounds like you might have an infestation? It might be a good idea to contact pest control.
I use a long static duster to collect all the spiders and webs in one go then leave outside for a good few days. It's not a long term solution but good for a good night's sleep.
That's a great idea!
Years ago I bought a spider catcher from Lakeland . It's the best buy I ever made . It gently sucks up the spider , without harming it, then I release it into the garden (or garage in winter). It's also great for helping bees to get out of the house.
That sounds great!
I swear once I find a spider and kill it (or have my husband trap and remove it if he is home from work...) The rest of his little spider homies come out to get me. It's almost as if they are looking for their friend OR they are seeking revenge on their friends death. We have literally trapped n removed like 3 of them in the past 2 days and a 4th one literally just crawled right beside me and idk where it freaking went.....so now I'm scared to go to sleep bkuz I have NO FLIPPING CLUE ...where it went...,and why it just had to crawl across the floor right beside me
Encountering spiders can be unsettling, but they are unlikely to seek revenge or target individuals. Preventive measures like sealing cracks, keeping your space clean, and using repellents can help manage their presence in your home.