Do you know the best way to dust? Dusting can be one of the quickest and most pain-free of household jobs, especially if you know a clever tip or two!
We're always on the lookout for life hacks that might make your lives easier, and today we're sharing our 16 favourite dusting hacks with you.
Discover the best way to dust a blind, candles, blinds and much more...
1. Dusting with dryer sheets

What's the best cloth to dust with? Well, that depends on the job.
While old t-shirts do a fine job on hard surfaces like tables and shelves, for electronics, something else will serve you much better.
Next time you're dusting, try using a dryer sheet on your tv screen and other electrical items. They neutralise the static, making it easier to lift dust and keep surfaces cleaner for longer.
For your laundry, give these dryer sheet alternatives a try.
2. The best way to clean a fan
The idea of cleaning your fan may fill you with dread. It's a big job, right?
Want to know how to clean your fan, the easy way?
With the aid of a pillowcase and some stepladders, you'll have your fan spotless in no time.
Get up high, and place the pillowcase over the fan blade. Push down and along the blade to remove dust and other debris. The case will ensure none of it falls to the floor.
Pretty clever, right?
3. Use a can of air for dusting tight spaces
Dusting big furniture may be easy enough, but what about those smaller nooks and crannies?
We have a clever tip for that.
A can of air is the perfect solution for things like air vents on cars, buttons and even small ridges in furniture.
4. How to clean houseplants

Yes, you really do need to clean houseplants!
If you allow dust to buildup on their leaves, they won't be able to take in carbon dioxide as effectively.
Our favourite way to clean houseplants?
With a hairdryer! Use it on the cold setting to blast off dust and other particles and help your plants breathe easily.
5. This clever tip will revolutionise your dusting routine
How do you clean paintings? They're delicate and beautiful - you certainly don't want to ruin them.
Have you ever tried using bread?
Yes, you really did read that right!
Food can be used for household cleaning. The sponginess of bread means it can be compressed down on your painting without any risk of damage, and the slightly-sticky texture will lift any debris.
6. How to dust candles

Candles are meant to be a decorative item - don't let a thick layer of dust ruin their look.
Cloths are relatively ineffective when it comes to cleaning candles. What we prefer to use is a pair of old tights.
The net material is perfect for picking up even the smallest dust particle whilst keeping your candles intact.
7. Cleaning with coffee filters
No cleaning cloths?
If you have some coffee filters lying around, you're in luck!
The soft material of coffee filters is ideal for dusting, especially on plastic surfaces.
Give it a go some time.
8. How to dust up high
It may be out of sight, but dust up high certainly shouldn't be out of mind.
Want to know an easy way to reach high up surfaces?
Using your broom! Pop a rag over the end, and tie an elastic band around it to secure in place. You'll be able to reach almost anywhere with your new found height.
TOPTIP: We always recommend dusting from top to bottom. That way dust will fall down early on, and you won't have to re-dust surfaces down below.
9. How to clean your keyboard

Next time you're sat at your desk, take the time to check out the state of your keyboard.
Pretty gross, right?
The deep crevices between keys mean our keyboard can get dirty pretty quickly, especially if you eat at your desk.
The first step to a clean keyboard is to stand it upright and knock the debris out. The second? Take a cotton bud and run it between the keys.
You'll be amazed what a difference it makes to your typing speed.
10. How to clean light bulbs
Have you ever looked down your lampshade and been slightly disgusted at the state of the light bulb inside?
They may be hidden, but that won't stop dust getting to them. Let it build up, and the grime will reduce the amount of light they emit.
To remove even the most stubborn layers of dust, rub rubbing alcohol over the (turned-off) bulb with a clean cloth.
11. The best way to dust radiators
Radiators can be a real pain to clean.
While the front is easy enough to tackle, behind and in between the metal can be really tricky.
Our trick? A ruler.
Wrap your cleaning cloth around a plastic ruler, secure with an elastic band and you'll be able to dust even the narrowest of spaces.
12. Homemade furniture polish

If you haven't tried making your own furniture polish yet, now's your chance.
Why should you bother making your own furniture polish?
It's extremely cheap, easy and most of the time, much more effective than shop-bought versions. Using only natural ingredients, it won't damage your surfaces, or leave any sticky residue behind.
Convinced? Great! To try, combine two tablespoons olive oil, a quarter cup distilled white vinegar and a quarter teaspoon fresh lemon juice.
13. Dusting with fluffy socks
You can pick up a pair of fluffy socks for less than a pound from Primark.
Next time you're out, buy a few pairs. They make great alternative mop covers and are much cheaper, too.
14. How to clean lampshades
If you've ever tried cleaning dust off a lampshade with a cloth, you'll know it does more harm than good.
Want the secret to dust-free shades?
A lint roller! Roll it along the lampshade and it will leave them dust-free and looking as good as new.
15. Use a paintbrush to dust small items
Some items are so small, that a cloth just won't do.
For such items, we like to use a paintbrush.
They're great for cleaning even the most delicate of ornaments, and can even be used to dust books.
16. How to clean blinds

Last but not least on our impressive list of dusting tips is a clever trick that will make cleaning blinds a breeze.
Want to know the secret?
A pair of BBQ tongs and two dusters are all you need to make your blinds spotless. Wrap a duster around each tong, and fasten with an elastic band. Run them along each blind to remove all kinds of dust and dirt.
For tips on how to clean vertical blinds, check out our other article.
17. Perfect your cleaning routine
At what stage in your cleaning routine do you normally dust your home? If you're dusting after vacuuming, you could be making a lot more work for yourself. Read our other article to find out why.
Dusting is about to get easier than ever now you've discovered our clever tips. Do you have any of your own to share?
Question: Hoover or dust first ?
Hi Frankie. Dust, always! :)
When using cotton buds or anything else to clean your keyboard ALWAYS unplug it from your pc or turn it off if on your laptop. If you do not do this you could easily mess up your programs ect on your pc/laptop by accidentally pressing the F1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BUTTONS. i learnt the hard way.
Hi Roger. This is an important tip! It can wreak havoc with your PC otherwise and get you into all kinds of complicated situations. Thanks for stopping by :)
Sorry to be the spelling police but you mean tongs and tong. Tongues are the wiggly thing in your mouth!
Hi Lucy. Ooops! Thanks for this. All updated (:
I use a large face powder brush to dust off my plants. I also wanted to know whether you should vacuum or dust first. Thanks, now i know ('_^)
Hi Tina. We love this tip! I'm not sure I have a face powder brush myself, but if I did I'd definitely use it for this! Thanks for sharing :)
Hi Stephanie Thanks for the brilliant tips! ????????Frances????
Hi Frances. You're SO welcome. Glad you liked them and please stop by again soon. Thanks, Steph
Hi Stephanie C, l enjoyed your home tips, l am a pensioner now and welcome all the tips that are affordable. I would love the book. I had one years ago but alas it got lost when we moved house. Thank you
Hi Patricia! You can claim our eBook here:
put a sock on your hand to clean venetian blinds
Fab idea!
when you say use tumble drier sheets, do you mean used one or new ones???
Hi Lilach! Using an old one would be more environmentally friendly, but a new one would be better for static.
I used to put socks on my kids hands when they were young and make a game, out of dusting and now they are all grown up and I'm now teaching my 3rd old nephew the same trick xx
What a great idea, Kerry!
I do a lot of 'damp dusting' using a spray bottle with water and a few drops of lavender oil or tea tree oil, spraying the cloth rather then the furniture. I prefer this to spray polish as I can get a headache from the polish as it can be overpowering.
That sounds fab!
I find the best way to clean behind a radiator - especially when it is against a wall - is to give it a good blast of air from a hairdryer.
That's a great idea! Placing a damp towel at the bottom can help to trap the dust that comes out.
First thing I do is Hoover the dust of furniture,with dusting brush attached. This gets rid of lots of dust,then I dust and polish before hoovering.
Sounds great!