Does anyone ever get through a full bottle of baby oil? When preparing for parenthood, you might have bulk-bought the stuff, but now what do you do with it? Don't throw it away!
You may think baby oil is just for babies, but this cheap and cheerful product actually has lots of secret uses and powers...
Editor's Note: This post was originally posted in April 2015 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in February 2018.
Unusual uses for baby oil
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Weird and wacky things you never knew it could do...
1. Remove ear wax

Remove that build-up of ear wax by tipping your head to one side and dripping a few drops of baby oil into your ear canal. Repeat on the other side and place some cotton wool into your ears to stop any dripping.
Leave for an hour or so and the wax should have softened up allowing you to gently clean your ear out with a tissue. For really stubborn wax gently heat the oil up before use.
2. Use baby oil to shine your golf clubs
Forget about expensive cleaning kits, you can clean your chrome-plated carbon steel golf club heads with just a few drops of oil on a cloth and a good polish.
3. Silence noisy hinges
Who needs WD40 when a good dollop of baby oil on a cloth will do the same thing! Silence those squeaky door and bed hinges today.
4. Keep yourself warm

Before you head outside on a cold day, rub a generous amount of baby oil into your skin. The oil helps to close your pores and insulate your body so you'll feel that bit more toasty under those layers.
Are you loving these fantastic uses for baby oil? Step right this way for more great hacks...
5. Make a kid's mosquito repellent
Make your own mosquito repellent that's safe to use on the little ones (avoid face and hands). In an empty spray bottle, mix baby oil with a couple of drops of Dettol. It works a treat!
6. Remove plasters using baby oil
Got a tough adhesive plaster on your skin? Rub some baby oil on and around it and it will gently lift off without any pain. It's also fantastic for removing any annoying gummy residue.
7. Slip off a tight ring

Apply a small amount of baby oil around the ring and twist it gently until it comes off. FYI: this little trick works on most body parts that are stuck.
8. Uses for baby oil for bags & shoes
Add a few drops of baby oil to a dry cloth and gently buff your leather handbags and shoes. It'll create a nice shine and inject some moisture.
9. Using baby oil to remove chewing gum
If you've got chewing gum stuck in your hair or any surface come to think of it, saturate it with baby oil and leave for a few minutes. You'll be able to wipe or comb away the gum easily.
What a great use of this everyday household product.
10. Lubricate a keyhole

If you have a key that's difficult to get into the keyhole, just wipe a bit of baby oil onto the key and turn it in back and forth a few times.
It'll be nice and smooth for years to come.
Want more uses for baby oil? Step right this way!
Use baby oil as a beauty product
You'll wonder how you lived without this multi-tasking wonder.
11. Can you put baby oil in the bath?

You can spend a fortune on fancy bath oils or you can just splash some baby oil into your bath for peachy soft skin. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil in with it and you won't notice the difference - promise.
Be careful coming out of the bath, it'll be extremely slippy and you don't want to hurt yourself.
12. Body oil
Did you know only oil and medicine can actually penetrate the layers of your skin? So it's no surprise that body oils are the buzz of the beauty world. They can be ridiculously expensive though, especially when baby oil can perform just as well.
Apply a generous amount to your body and massage in from your toes to your neck working in large circular movements towards your heart. You'll have deliciously soft and silky skin afterwards.
13. Use baby oil as a cuticle oil
In my opinion, cuticle oil really is a waste of money. Massage some baby oil (you can also use olive oil as a cuticle oil) into your cuticles will soften them up nicely and add some moisture to dry skin. It'll also make it easier to gently remove or push them in. Long and strong nails here we come!
14. Remove makeup using baby oil

We've all heard the horror stories about face wipes stripping your skin of moisture so how about trying skin-loving baby oil instead? It can remove stubborn mascara, foundation and more while also loading your skin up on moisture.
Just squeeze some onto cotton wool pads and remove makeup. Then give your face a good wash with cold water. What a fantastic way to save money on beauty!
15. How to boost your body cream
Dry winter skin? Don't splash out on new skincare products promising false miracles. Just top up your body cream with a few drops of baby oil for an added moisture boost.
16. Moisturise your feet

Hard soles? I hear you. Get to work on hard skin with a pumice stone or foot file then give them a good scrub. Cover your feet with baby oil, pop some socks on overnight and in the morning you'll wake up to super smooth skin.
17. Make a body scrub using baby oil
Ditch expensive body scrubs and make one yourself! Mix either Epsom salts, salt flakes or brown sugar with a few teaspoons of baby oil and drops of your favourite essential oils et voilà - a beautiful scrub that will leave your skin baby soft.
18. Perfect your manicure with baby oil
Keep nail polish from going anywhere but your nails. Apply a little around the edge of your nail using a cotton wool bud so when your nails are dry you can wipe away the oil and any excess nail polish with complete ease.
19. Can you use baby oil on lips?

Can't find your lip balm? Apply some baby oil to your lips for instant relief and a nice shiny finish.
Don't stop reading yet - the best uses for baby oil are still yet to come...
Uses for baby oil around the home and cheerful yet full of amazing cleaning properties.
20. Release a stuck zip

This is a great clothing hack! Got a stuck zip that simply won't budge? Apply a small amount of baby oil to a cloth and give it a rub on both sides of the zip and it'll get moving in no time.
21. Untangled jewellery
Add a tiny amount of baby oil to the knot and rub it between your thumb and forefinger. The oil should grease up the chain and untangle the knot in no time.
22. Loosen up a motor in a shredder
If your shredder is finding it tough to get through all that paper, the motor probably needs oiling. Saturate a few sheets of paper with oil and leave to dry for a few minutes. Pop them through the shredder and it will be smooth shredding from here on in.
23. Use baby oil for dusting

Get rid of the dust on wooden furniture by applying a small amount of oil to a cleaning rag and wiping in circular motions. Go over with a second cloth for a dust-free, sparkling surface.
24. Clean chrome fittings
Make those grubby, chrome appliances shiny and fingerprint free by applying some baby oil to a damp cloth and giving it a thorough clean. Finish with a clean cloth and they'll soon look mirror-like.
25. Clean oil-based paint from your skin
Wash your hands with warm water and soap then saturate a cotton wool pad or face towel with baby oil. Rub the cotton wool pad or towel over the area of skin where the paint is and reapply until it's all been removed. For the full guide see wikiHow: Remove paint from skin.
26. How to make your own baby wipes using baby oil
To make your own baby wipes, you'll need some kitchen roll, baby wash, shampoo or soap shavings, and some baby oil. Follow this easy-to-follow guide by Earth Mama - it's so simple to do!
27. Prevent soap scum

To avoid soap scum in the shower, apply a very light layer to the shower walls. This will prevent any scum build-up and cut down your cleaning time!
Thanks for reading! Do you have any weird and wonderful uses for baby oil?
Please let us know in the comments section below!
Baby oil removes fingermarks and streaks from stainless steel, too! Buff with a soft cloth for a lovely water repellent shine. I have stainless steel pans, sink and splashback and it works a treat on all of them
Use baby oil to clean patent leather shoes and handbags
Great tip - thanks Susan!
have your loved one massage you all over with baby oil after a bath or swimming , works wonders !!!! try lemon juice and baby oil mixed to a paste for hard skin on your feet , leave over night in cotton socks.
A free massage sounds great! Interesting tip about the oil and lemon juice. I will have to give that one a try Maryellen.
Oil should never be heated if it is used for removing ear wax. Use it at room temperature only and after using a pipette (easiest way) to place a couple of drops into the ear, keep your head on one side for 10mins. Only use cotton wool if you need to do both ears (it soaks up the oil)
Thanks for sharing this advice Lisa!
If you put a bit of Vaseline on the cotton wool first it will stop it absorbing the oil.
I have used Baby Oil for years and after I have had a bath or shower I apply the oil to my wet skin then pat dry with a towel - works wonders!!
This is another really useful post. I have found so many useful ideas from this site . I am now going to try getting a bit of chewing gum out of my favourite black linen trousers, fingers crossed it works ...
Thanks Laura, really happy to hear you've found the tips useful! Good luck with the gum.
I always use baby oil on my stainless steel hob it always bring it up lovely
Wonders wonders doesn't it! I even use it on my kettle and toaster.
I dye my hair at home and don't you hate it when a bit of dye splashes down neck and you have short hair that will not cover up your blunder. Before applying any dye I put lots of baby oil on kitchen roll and wipe all over face /ears/neck, wiping low down on front of neck. This help stop dye sticking where it's not wanted, during dyeing time check for runs and wipe off with kitchen towel that has been soaked with baby oil. Works a treat for me. Now we have 28 Uses!
Hi Lee! Thanks for sharing this fab tip of yours. I have friends and family who dye their hair so I will spread the word! Thanks for the 28th tip :)
When I first discovered I was pregnant l got into the habit of using baby oil every day after my shower. It saved me getting stretch marks
That's handy to know. I love using oil in the shower, it means you don't have to moisturise as much post-shower.
Didn't realise you could use it for ear ach
Use baby oil to remove bathroom sealant off your hands.
Ooh that's an interesting one, something you only learn from experience :)
If you have a stainless steel hob clean spills with fairy liquid dry with paper towel then add a small amount of baby oil and dry of and any marks will have gone
Great tip thanks Michael.
Use on oil stones when sharpening chisels, hand plane blades, knives or any other tool that needs to be sharpened. Works great and it's cheaper than a named brand oil for oil stones.
Oh wow that's interesting. Thanks Darrell!
Removing ants, Wipe surface with baby oil, and ants wont go on it.
Great tip! I wonder if this works on ladybirds too?
I have tried most of these. They do work... but so does Vaseline. I love taking my eye makeup off with it, Also, i like getting a plum size piece rubbing it over my hands & nails, very wet tho, then you have a clean cotton cloth preferably. I cut up old sheets & wiping off all the excess. U can then wipe the cloth on anything. If it's that greasy still, put in good zippy bag seal. Add the rags as u go. . Curtain rails oven doors, anything that's stiff..."Woop woop"
That's a great tip! I do love vaseline too, I agree it's great around the house. Have you read Colleen's article -
After cleaning your kitchen use small amount on cloth and it will bring it up shiny and no smudges...
Fab tip thanks Yvonne.
After cleaning kitchen use small amount of baby oil on stainless steel hobs or even your sink and draining board works wonders nice shiny clean
I use it to clean and shine my leather sofa, clean my wooden furniture and clean and shine granite Worktops
I also use it on leather shoes! Just a drop is enough :) Thanks for sharing Samantha.
Use on scabs to stop them getting stiff and crusty. The scabs stay put and don't crack when the knee/elbow is flexed. Great for small children who are forever falling over.
Thanks for the tip Yvonne!
Hi. A very specialised use I know but baby oil is brilliant for putting on horses manes and tails to give a deep shine. Much cheaper than specific products and stays soft and conditioned for days at a time
Fab tip for fellow horse riders :) Thanks for sharing Emma.
I use a small amount on my bathroom tiles & shower screen the water repels off it no more water marks re do after cleaning
That's interesting, I'll have to give it a go! How much do you use? Just a few drops?
I use baby oil on my dashboard after I've cleaned my car , it makes the car smell nice an looks like new
Thanks for the tip Susan will have to give it a go!
I used baby oil for treating my window frames and shutters that are made from Aluminium (covered with something like teflon) . Makes them look like new... and, it keeps for a long time. Then I tried it on my metall railings. I cleaned them first with soap and water, then rubbed them down with baby oil. The paint looks refreshed and the oil gives it a good protection. Johnson's baby oil realy works wonders!!!
While baby oil may give a shiny appearance to metal surfaces, it's unsuitable for treating window frames, shutters, and railings made of aluminium or other metals. To effectively clean and protect metal surfaces, it's best to use specialized metal cleaners and protectants.
Artists Baby Oil is good to thin oil paints for your canvas.
Great tip, Bob! Thanks for sharing.
Ever walked head first into a sticky fly paper?? There's nothing like it!! Baby oil is what freed me from what I thought was about to be a severely short hair cut!! It wasn't funny at the time but still having my long hair attached to my head, I laugh at it now!!
Hi Gail. Oh gosh, that sounds awful! I'm so glad you managed to get it free - who knows what your hair would've ended up like otherwise! Thanks for sharing :)
Baby oil helps hair grow longer and become softer and adults can use it too.
Hi May. Adults can indeed use baby oil - there are no age limits :)
Not a topic thats talked about in the open but baby oil is a gentle way the kill head lice. Massage oil into hair at roots at bedtime, cover hair (shower cap). Leave oil in for 24hrs (or as close as can). Then brush through and wash as usual. It may take and extra wash depending on your shampoo.
Hi Jan. This is a great idea - thanks for adding. The thick oil actually suffocates lice which is what makes it effective. You can even add a few drops of tea tree oil for a lovely-smelling treatment :)
Thanks for sharing! :)
Baby oil is one of the ingredients I use for my home made silk plant cleaner. Much cheaper than buying it at the store.
That's an interesting idea, Jlene. Thanks for sharing :)
Use a few drops of baby oil in mop water to help clean and shine floors.
Hi Margie. This is a really great tip - we'll definitely be giving it a go. Thanks for sharing :)
I use baby oil as a substitute for when I’m shaving and I forgot to buy shaving cream.
Great tip! Conditioner works well too.
Hands covered in oil and dirt from engine,baby oil dissolves the oil, dry with paper towel then wash hand with soap.
Great tip, Barry! Thanks for sharing.
Cleaning stainless steel in a kitchen I first saw this use in a fast food place it takes all the marks left from cleaning (scrubbing] and smooths them out a few drops on a piece of kitchen paper makes it shine like new and leaves no marks try it on your stainless steel splash ack or cooker hood you’ll love it
Very true! Thanks for sharing, Kate!
Never use baby oil or any other household oil for lubricating key holes. It attracts dust and dirt, which can damage the locking mechanism and gum up the lock. Graphite lubricant or WD40 are the choices for locks.
Thanks for the info, Dorit!
Makeup Hacks - You can use baby oil if a cream makeup product (like cream contour/bronzer, pomades, cream foundation) goes dry to help tit mix and run smoother. Add a drop to liquid foundation to make it more dewy and less full coverage. Add some highlighter to it and rub it to your skin for an ultimate summer glow. I also add it to my lip scrubs and facial scrubs to make my skin softer. I also use it to help clean my tools like sponges and brushes, pop a couple drops and wipe them against your hand to loosen the product soaked up and then use bar soap to get it out with warm water.
Those are some excellent makeup hacks!
A great way to truly extend the life of an old fashioned Wilkinson's Sword razor blade and the handle mechanism is to quickly clean all shaving cream off after a shave and apply a few drops of baby oil to the entire blade system as it stops the oxidisation of the blade thus enabling a much longer use. A tip is to apply the baby oil to a children's part brush then to the razor
Thank you for sharing this helpful tip! It's always great to find ways to extend the life of our personal care tools and reduce waste. Baby oil can help prevent metal oxidisation, which can lead to rust and degradation of the blade. Applying it with a children's part brush is a clever way to ensure even coverage and avoid getting excess oil on your hands. Just be cautious when handling sharp blades, and always dispose of them safely once they become dull.
After cleaning my kitchen wooden top,I also apply few drops of baby oil and wipe with a dry cloth, they shine like glass. Thank you for the tips.
Thanks for sharing, Ethel! It might be worth noting that, when used on kitchen worktops, baby oil can attract dust and cause discolouring over time.
We're supposed to get freezing rain tomorrow here where I live and because I know that oil and water don't mix I thought I would try rubbing some baby oil on my car plastic headlight and back light covers and also a couple of my windows so I'm going to check at some point later on tomorrow and see if there's any ice build up.
Using baby oil on your car's plastic headlight and backlight covers or windows to prevent ice buildup is not recommended. It can leave a residue, cause discolouration, reduce effectiveness, create glare, and obstruct vision.
Years ago one was told to put a tablespoon of baby oil in the last rinsing water when washing a Guernsey sweater to build and maintain the natural oils. Bearing this in mind, I have been squirting some into the rinse drawer instead of Comfort or similar. It certainly seems to work although I wil wash the machine through from time to time, just in case. I alternate Fairy liquid and occasionally Ariel.
Using baby oil in the laundry may lead to residue buildup in your washing machine and potentially damage delicate fabrics like wool. It's better to use specialised wool-friendly detergents to maintain the softness of garments.