Do you always keep some elastic bands to hand? If not, why not - they have so many uses throughout the home and are able to solve a whole host of problems.
Check out our list of smart uses for rubber bands below, and you'll never look at them in the same way again.
Editor's Note: This post was originally posted in June 2016 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in January 2019.
1. Stop tea bag tags falling into a mug

If you use tea bags with a string and tag, you'll know how frustrating it is when they fall into the mug and get all soggy. Keep it outside your mug by placing an elastic band around it. So simple yet so effective!
2. Paint an immaculate French manicure
Use an elastic band as a great French manicure cheat. Pull the band over your nail and use it as a template - easy! It works on alternative Frenchies too, I love this green version from Paper Raindrops.
3. Prevent paint from dripping from a brush
If you're tackling some DIY over the Summer, stretch an extra-large rubber band across the paint tin before you get to work. You can use it to wipe off any excess paint from your brush.
4. Elastic band paint stamps
If you have some thick rubber bands, and a restless kid to entertain, why not try painting with elastic bands?
5. Stop a door from locking
Ever been locked out? It's such a pain! By putting a large rubber band on your doorknob, you can prevent the door from locking. Check out our other article to find out how it's done.
This is a really useful tip if you have kids or pets.
6. Open a stubborn nail polish bottle

Get a good grip on the handle of stubborn nail polish by wrapping an elastic band around it. Don't think about throwing away a stuck bottle before trying this hack.
P.s It works on other bottles too.
7. Prevent apple slices from browning
Got a fussy eater who won't eat their fruit unless it's cut into slices?
You can prevent cut apple pieces from browning by reconstructing the apple and holding it together with elastic bands.
8. For smart packing
If you want to save space when packing, the key is to roll your clothing. With rubber bands, you can go one step further by securing all those rolls to keep your case nice and tidy.
9. Glass decoration
You don't need t spend a fortune to make your Summer party special. Use coloured elastic bands to hold dainty flowers around cups for special occasions.
10. Alternative food clip
Run out of food clips? No problem! Simply roll down the packaging and secure the bag with a rubber band - it'll keep all your snacks nice and fresh.

11. Pump dispenser portion control
If your kids or roommates like to go crazy with the hand wash or shower gel, take action! Wrap an elastic band around the neck of the pump and it'll reduce the amount of product dispensed.
12. Keep slippy chopping boards in place
If you have a slippy chopping board, keep it in one place while you're chopping by securing elastic bands on either side.
13. Make your jeans fit better
Are those jeans feeling a little tight? You can loosen off the waistband by looping a rubber band through the buttonhole.
Whether you're pregnant or just have a food belly, this tip will keep you comfortable at all times.
14. DIY mobile phone holder for the car
Who needs a fancy hand-held device holder when you can attach your phone to the air vents in your car with just an elastic band! Stay safe drivers...
15. Create a toothbrush holder

It may not look amazing, but if you're looking for a functional toothbrush holder, you can fashion your own by crossing elastic bands over a cup. A classic student fix if ever we saw one!
16. Make your hangers slip-proof
We just love this genius tip. Keep flimsy or wide-necked clothing from falling off the hanger by wrapping elastic bands around the ends. No more morning irritation!
17. Make beautiful striped lanterns
Here's another really nifty way to use those rubber bands for budget decoration.
Wrap around empty jam jars and paint over them to create a pretty effect when tea lights shine through. This one's great for Summer parties.
18. Use rubber bands as a seam guide
Sewing can be tricky, especially if you're in a bit of a hurry. Help yourself be accurate and speedy by wrapping an elastic band over the machine to make a seam guide - it'll keep you right on track!
19. Slip-proof glasses for kids

Glass tumblers can be perilous in the hands of little ones so make them child-proof by wrapping several elastic bands around them. It'll help kids keep a tighter grip so parents won't have to watch on anxiously.
20. Use an elastic band to remove a stripped screw
Stripped screw? Don't panic - place an elastic band over it and use a screwdriver as normal to tackle it.
21. Drinks measure
If you're throwing a party, keep your guests from getting too merry too quickly by wrapping elastic bands around the bottom of the cups to act as spirit markers.
22. Make an elastic band bouncy ball

One of the most enchanting and time-consuming uses for elastic bands is to build a bouncy ball. Head over to Kidspot to learn how to make your own - it'll keep the kids busy for hours on end!
It's also a nice project to have on hand at work to give your eyes a break every now and then.
23. DIY notice board
Make a pretty and cheap DIY notice board by wrapping colourful elastic bands around a piece of wood or photo frame. You can keep receipts, tickets and other pieces of paper neatly tucked into it so your room (and handbag) remain clutter-free.
24. Make a makeshift tripod for your camera or phone
Use an extra-large elastic band to secure your smartphone or camera to various household object to act as a tripod. You could use the legs of a chair, tent poles or even an umbrella.
Wannabe YouTube stars, this one is for you!
25. Wrap around a hose to seal small holes
If you don't have any duct tape to hand, wrap an elastic band as tightly as you can to cover any holes in a rubber hose. It'll save on water, and get the job done faster too.
26. Make some fabulous jewellery
Rags to Couture has shared some amazing tutorials for making your very own, bright and quirky jewellery from rubber bands. These look so amazing and would make any ordinary outfit pop.
27. Open a stubborn jam jar
Pop an elastic band around a stubborn jam jar or bottle and, just as with those tough nail polish bottles, it'll help you to grip it better.
28. Keep your shower caddy in place
Keep a shower caddy attached to your shower head with just a quick loop of an elastic band - easy!
29. Prevent a spoon from falling into a pan
Stop that spoon from falling in a boiling pot by wrapping an elastic band around the end. It'll grip to the sides and prevent it from slipping in.
30. Keep books safe when travelling

If you like to carry a book around with you, don't forget to wrap an elastic band around it to protect the book from opening and the pages creasing, especially if it's one you treasure. It also serves as a bookmark - handy!
31. Keep an Apple remote in one place
Are you forever misplacing your Apple remote? We blame their sleek and small design. Wrap a rubber band around it to help grip it to your surfaces and make it stand out more.
32. Hold lids in place when transporting food
Spilling all that food you've lovingly prepared is every cook's worst nightmare. Pull rubber bands over the lids to prevent any food spillages in the car on your way to parties and other events.
33. Flick through papers quickly
If you have a large amount of reading to do or need to proof-read a long document, wrap an elastic band loosely over the tip of your finger to help you flick through the pages quicker. It'll help prevent any paper cuts and you won't need to wet your finger with your tongue - gross!
34. Make a DIY catapult for the children (and BIG kids)
We had to end on something fun to show you just how amazing plain old elastic bands can be! You can learn to build a homemade catapult with rubber bands in the video above which the kids will no doubt love.
Now you can really make the most of all those rubber bands. What's your favourite thing to do with them? Let us know in the comments below.
I love these tips, Sarah. Keep them coming. .... I send them to my family and will send this one across the world. Brilliant!
Oh amazing, thanks Eleanor. Really happy to hear the tips are going around the world!
My favourite rubber band trick is brill. One of the most awkward wrapping to open is a packet of chocolate digestives. So I cut the end of the packet with a knife, eat 2 or 3 biscuits, then I fold the end over and wrap an elastic band, end to end, around the packet. This stops the rest of the digestives going soft. :-)
That's a great tip, George!
I wrap a elastic band round a drill bit so that I can drill to the correct depth, just move the band up or down to whatever depth you require.
Very handy, I had not thought about that!
Very useful tips, thanks. One I would like to add is that you can wrap a rubber band round the end of a pencil to create an easy to use rubber for rubbing out pencil marks.
oh that's a great tip, thanks for sharing Sylvia!
I use rubber gloves for opening jars etc. You can make rubber bands from worn out rubber gloves by cutting the cuffs to any width - very useful if you need something strong. Also, our postie leaves a trail of rubber bands!
That's a marvellous tip, thanks Susan. I will definitely use that one! Haha, there are rubber bands everywhere when you start to notice...
Some great ideas here. Knew about opening bottles, but not much else. Thanks
Oh the opening bottles and jars is a classic! Really pleased to hear you like the new ideas.
very very useful information thank you
Thanks Alan, I'm really happy to hear that!
these are all fantastic ideas, some i knew about . most i didnt!!!
Oh amazing, thanks Sarah!
Ask your postman for any spare elastic bands. They use them to bundle the mail together then usually just threw them down.
Great tip Carole, thanks for sharing :)
Great tips. Keep them coming.
Thanks Joyce! Glad you enjoyed them.
My latest use for rubber bands is to keep the shower head in position on the slide rail. Until I get the thing fixed, it does a great job of holding the head at the right height - just tied them round the rail tightly underneath the slider.
Hey Melanie, Not an everyday use, but a great one nevertheless. Thanks for sharing - we hope you get the shower fixed soon!
Wrap phone charger lead around the charger and secure with an Elastic Band
Hi Brian, Brilliant tip - thanks for sharing! :)
Tried the Popista link, no good, domain name for sale ? ?
Hi Pauly, Sorry about that - I've added a new video in which shows you how to make the catapult at home.
I love reading your tips. There are some great ones here. I've often used an elastic band to help open jar and nail polishes. It works well. Wish you had some tips to help me remember the others - LOL
Hi Louise. Thanks a lot for your kind comment - great to hear you're enjoying our tips! Luckily for you (and your memory!) you can always refer to our tips on the blog - we aren't going anywhere :)
Love all the tips, have shared on facebook, I keep all your emails on my computer so I can check out what I need whenever!!! Love the elastic bands suggestions, especially for tight days in my jeans if I have eaten too much that day!!!! You are brilliant, keep up the good work, all your home tips are marvellous, thank you!xxx
Hi Christine, Wow, what a lovely message! This has put a smile on all our faces on this dreary Friday. We're so glad you enjoy our tips and thank you so much for sharing our stuff on Facebook. Have a slice on us - you deserve it! :)
I use elastic bands in the freezer - close the bag of peas, beans, Quorn mince - whatever - fold or roll the top, then secure with an elastic. Stops the contents spilling all over the place. I also use them wrapped around all jars to stop them slipping through my fingers. They can be used as plant ties - cut them to make a strip and voila, you have a flexible plant tie.
Hi Jay, This is a brill idea - saves the need for proper clips too! Thanks a bunch for sharing your ideas :)
love all the tips, here is another one. Roll up reusable shopping bags and stop them getting in a mess by wrapping a band around each one. keep them in car boot, main bag, buggy or pram. Saves on space too.
Hi Speedy, What a great tip! I have a special holder on the wall for my plastic bags, but this sounds like a great idea for the car. Thanks for sharing :)
Some brilliant ideas-Thankyou!If you don't have an elastic band to hand or you are elderly or don't have a strong grip to open sealed jars use a bottle opener to release the vacuum on the jar- usually find one on a can opener.Makes it much easier to open!
Hi Amanda, This is a really useful tip - thanks a lot for sharing :)
Good tips.the numbers for the tips are a bit mixed up tho lol.
Hi Lorraine! Thanks for pointing that out, we've now corrected it. We're glad you enjoyed the tips!
where can I buy your gorgeous owl mug ???
Hi Janet! The mug is from a company called puckator. Unfortunately, I can't see the exact mug on their website anymore, but you might find something else you like!
Pull a sewing needle througha difficult piece of material by wrapping it round the needle.
Great idea!
I have used the band on the paint tin for years. It’s great for keeping the paint from the rim of the tin.
That's fantastic!