Whether you use a bag-for-life, a rucksack or even a suitcase for your food and clothes shopping, sometimes you can forget to take them out with you and end up taking plastic bags home instead.
You can often see discarded carrier bags on the ground or hanging in trees, and we all know they can last for very long periods of time in landfill sites.
I've found a number of ways you can reuse plastic bags - some of which you really won't expect. If you like the post, please share it with your friends - we're trying to spread the word about Expert Home Tips!
Before you continue, don't forget to follow us on:
1. Make a Flowerpot

This is a mighty great way to use your leftover plastic bags - making your very own flowerpot out of them! All you need are around 8 medium-to-large thin plastic bags and a large crochet hook. You can view the brilliant tutorial at MamiMadeIt.blogspot.com.
2. In your holiday suitcase
Plastic bags prove themselves quite useful when you're going on holiday. Use them to protect any liquids such as perfumes or shampoo bottles in your luggage. You can also put shoes in them to keep dust away from your clothes. For more great tips like this, check out Genius Holiday Hacks: for your Suitcase.
3. In the Bathroom Bin
Line your bathroom bin with spare plastic bags and save yourself from spilling floss, empty toothpaste tubes, and more all over the floor! When the bag is full, just tie up the top and chuck it in your bin. Easy.
4. Make a skipping rope

This is a great way to re-use plastic bags, and the kids will love it too. All you need are some plastic bags, scissors, and some tape. This is a great idea for the summer, so why not check it out now at ChildhoodList.blogspot.co.uk?
5. For car sickness
Keep some plastic bags in your car just in case a passenger gets car sick. Don't forget to make sure the bags don't have any holes in them first! You might even choose to double-bag them to further prevent any leakages...
6. In your car boot
If you've got bottles of washer fluid, oil, de-icer and cloths in your car boot, keep them individually wrapped in plastic bags. This will prevent spillages and keep them tidy.
7. Make a pair of sandals
We can't actually believe you can make a pair of sandals using plastic bags. For instructions on how to make them, check out mleak's post at Crafster.org.
8. Food prep bin
If your kitchen bin is far away from where you prepare food, hang a plastic bag on a drawer. This way you can slide all your peelings and empty packaging into it. You can have two plastic bags hanging on each corner - one for recycling and one for general waste.
9. For car rubbish
Whether it's empty sweet wrappers or fast-food rubbish, you're bound to experience an untidy car every now and again. Keep a few plastic bags in your car for a quick clean or, even better, tell everyone to use it as a car bin bag from the start.
10. Storage for other plastic bags
Keep all your plastic bags in one bag so it's easier to grab one out at a time. I usually keep mine below the sink or on the back of the kitchen door.
11. Weave a basket

If you're creative, you'll want to try making one of these lovely wrapped baskets. You can find instructions on how to do it at RadMegan.com.
12. Protect outdoor taps
Freezing temperatures? Look after your outdoor taps in the winter by taping lots of plastic bags over them.
13. Protect your car
If it's a cold harsh winter, use your spare plastic bags to cover your cars wing-mirrors and windscreen wipers. This will save you having to scrape ice off them.
14. Clothes wrap
Prevent your winter or summer clothes from being eaten by moths and wrap them all up in plastic bags.
15. Clothes hanger cover

If you have a lot of metal hangers that just don't have any grip, fret no longer! You can reuse plastic bags to create great covers for your hangers. To make your Recycled Plastic Hanger cover today, follow these fabulous instructions detailed at MyRecycledBags.com.
16. Parcel padding
Selling some items? Keep them safe by using scrunched up plastic bags as protective padding when you send the items to your buyers.
17. Parachutes for toys
Cut your plastic bags into squares, tie some string around the corners and hey presto - you have a parachute for your toys. This is a great idea for the kids!
18. Flowers

Make beautiful flowers from your old plastic bags! Check out this fantastic YouTube instruction video from ArtsnCraft4U and get crafting today.
19. When you move house
Protect glass items and ornaments by scrunching up plastic bags and using them as packing material. You will cushion the glass and keep your precious items safe on the journey to their new home.
20. As stuffing
If you've got thick cushions or pet beds that need re-stuffing, try using plastic bags. It's a free alternative to buying more stuffing!
21. By the front door
Protect your floors and carpet from sopping wet umbrellas by storing some plastic bags by the door for your family and guests to use. You can also keep some spare plastic bags for shoes like football boots and wellies to be transported outside for cleaning.
22. Make a rug

Did you know you can make a rug out of your spare plastic bags? No, neither did... and they look so pretty too! Find out more on how you can make your own rug at HomesteadWeaver.com.
23. Protect your plants
Loosely tie a plastic bag around your plants overnight to protect them from the frost. Just remember to remove the bag in the morning.
24. Take them on dog walks...
...I think you know why.
25. Packed lunches
If you're worried about a leaking lunch-box, or just need something to carry your lunch in, then use your trusty plastic bag!
26. Seal a paint can
When you're finished painting for the day, place a plastic bag on top, then put the paint lid on. This will prevent any dry old paint that may have accumulated in the lid from slipping into the can.
27. Take them swimming
No, I don't mean swim with your plastic bags - use them to hold your wet towels and swimsuits so you don't get the rest of your belongings wet. Put your shampoo and conditioner into a plastic bag to prevent them from leaking.
28. When you're painting
Need a break from painting the walls? Tie a plastic bag around your paintbrush, remembering to wrap it tightly so there is no air. That way, you won't have to clean your brush!
29. Make a Pom Pom

Follow the instructions from Lulastic.co.uk on how to make Pom Poms out of plastic bags. You can use your creation in lots of different places, maybe as a party hat topper or as a gift wrapping bow.
30. PE Kits & Gym Bags
Transport stinky clothes in plastic bags from the gym to your washing machine.
31. Organise your freezer
Separate your freezer goods into different plastic bags for easy access. Keep all your frozen vegetables, ice cream, and all your leftovers together and then label them with a permanent marker.
32. In the garden shed
Have you got a messy, organised shed? Use plastic bags to store dirty gloves, rags and other gardening bits and bobs in.
33. Make a kite

Oh, this takes us back. We remember making a plastic bag kite when we were young. Why don't you make one today with these great instructions from WikiHow.com.
34. Keep your trousers clean
If you love to garden then keep your knees clean by tying some old plastic bags around them. This will protect you from mud - you can tie lots around your legs, to keep your knees padded and comfy while you work.
35. Ask your local schools
Often schools may need plastic bags, for crafts or reusing. Ask at your local schools to see if they would like yours.
36. Shoe protectors
If it's raining heavily or muddy outside, grab a couple of plastic bags and use them over your shoes to protect them.
37. Make a shopper bag

This is a pretty snazzy way to re-use your plastic bags - make a trendy shopper bag. Here are the instructions from EstyLabs.Blogspot.co.uk. We can't wait to give it a whirl.
38. Recycle them!
Look for your nearest plastic bag recycling facilities at your local big supermarkets. Sainsbury's have recycling banks for carrier bags and
Morrisons have collection points for carrier bags and batteries.
I hope you've enjoyed the list! If you've got an idea for your old plastic bags, please comment below - I'd love to hear them!
Making kites takes me back, I used to do that for my daughter and the kids on the estate, great fun! I am inspired to be creative again and will buy a crochet hook! Thank you for my next adventure and carry on being wonderful xxx
Thank you so much for your kind comment Shona. Hope you have fun creating, we'd love to see a photo of what you make!
put a plastic bag in your hand-bag to sit on if a wall is dirty or sit on grass with it, useful for extra shopping when you are out.
That's a fabulous tip, thanks Joanne! :)
Brilliant, I love all the idears. Well here's another one. "Christmas Wreath" take a wire coat hanger . pull into a circle then cut the bags into a lot of strips then tie the strip close to each other until you have covered the ring .you can make it any colour my ones made all have been White. Once you have cover the ring then you can add Christmas bits and bobs bend the hook over and put it in your window or door. This can be used every year as long as you look after it. Have fun.
That sounds like a brilliant way to use plastic bags - have you done that before Ann?
I love all the tips from experthometips.com Why not reuse carrier bags making a draught excluder? You could use fabric and stuff it with carrier bags or get a refuse bin bag and stuff with carrier bags.
Ooh that's a great idea for carrier bags Sarah - have you done that before with them?
I use them to wrap my hair when dying it. Saves my cute shower cap from getting stained :)
Great tip Tanya, thanks!
WOW! What a surprise! Thank you so much for featuring my flowerpot amongst all the other great projects. What a great collection!
Your flowerpot is brilliant Mami Made It - thank YOU for the tutorial!
I made a shed out of plastic bags
Really? That's amazing Lucy - we'd love to see a photo!
Very good ideas well done I will even try some of them thanks
Thanks Allen! Let us know how you get on.
Hi there, I found putting plastic bags over your socks in Winter keep your feet lovely & warm. Especially with boots or trainers.
Hi Juliette, what a great tip, thanks!
Another way for plastic bags is to take any surplus bags you have to a Foodbank, which I do - Foodbanks always need plastic bags/boxes for people to carry their stuff home. Hope you will add this somewhere in your list.
Thanks for this great suggestion Spencer!
Hi When I used to ride motorbikes and go on rallys I used plastic bags to keep my feet warm and dry by putting them over my socks but inside my boots :)
That's a great tip Gill, thanks for that!
Also another use my daughters and I use them to cover our hair when dying it. Keeps the smell at bay and we look gorgeous :)
For putting other carrier bags in... I found these tips you provided very useful thankyou
Thanks Ian!
I like your comments thankyou
Hope you enjoyed the post Ian!
thanks now I got to go out and do more shopping!
Ha ha, hope you enjoyed the post Brian!
Your tip about using plastic bags to cover shoes in rainy or muddy conditions is DANGEROUS as they will be slippery and could cause a nasty fall!
I thought I was quite good at finding uses for old bags, but some of these ideas are so innovative. Genius!!
So glad to hear you liked the post Lynne!
I take mine to the local charity shops and also give to sellers at our local festival to give to customers when they buy from their stalls. Can't put them in the bin have to find a use for them even when they have holes or broken handles they go to the recycle bag bank
That's a great idea Dee. Thanks for your tip!
Use your plastic bags as a hair moisturiseing cap. Smooth conditioner all over your hair, tie it up and place a plastic bag tightly around your hair, this keeps in the moisture. I would not advise you sleep with it on your head as this could cause suffocation, so leave it on for a couple of hours and then when ready just take it off. Whaala your hair will be silky and smooth all week!
That's a great tip Romina, I'll be trying that!
If you are tempted to try any of these ideas make sure the bags are not the kind that biodegrade. A friend spent ages knitting bags from strips of plastic bags, only to find a while later that parts of them disintegrated :-(
Oh no! Thanks for your tip Andrea, hope you enjoyed the post.
When I had to wear a tight white compression stockings after having an operation, I put a plastic bag over my foot first then found it easy to slide the compression stocking up, pulling the bag off over my foot, through the toe hole of the stocking.
Hope you're all fixed now Pamela, and thank you very much for the tip!
Great article about reusing plastic (polyethylene) bags, they are WASTE to WASTE. David Cameron please note. I purchase my food from Tesco on line to be delivered to my home as I am disabled and cannot shop personally, we then used them to line my pedal bin and as they have handles they can be knotted at he top and put in the wheely bin, (keeps bin nice and clean) Apart from that polythene comes from WASTE oil, the crude oil is refined to make petrol and diesel, then the waste oil is put into a machine called a Cracker, the cracker then "cracks" the waste oil and creates small pearl like granules which are then sold to people like me and my husband (who was the largest manufacturer of polythene carrier bags in Europe) we put the granules in a machine called an Extruder which heats it up, blows the film into a bubble, then converts the film into bags.
Wow, that's so interesting Moreen - I've just looked up the Extruder machine. Glad you liked the article!
This amazing site is not only practical but funny and sweet. Glad I'm on it
Hi Lesley, so happy to hear that you like the site! Please share it with all your friends.
Really good ideas thanks
I'm glad you enjoyed the blog Deborah, don't forget to share it with your friends.
Great tips have tried a few my self using a plastic bag after dying my hair using as bin liners for my daughters bin in her bedroom will be trying a few more thanks very interesting ?
Glad to hear you enjoyed the blog post Maureen, that seems like a great use too!
This takes me back to my youth in South-Africa, where there was no wastage and plastic bags always got reused. I've had several doormats made from plastic bags and couple of plant pots. But never sandals.... Might be an idea for next time. I put my medium and small bags in an empty tissue box, with each looped through the previous one's handles. Easy to pull out and the next one is right there, for next use.
Doormats - that sounds like a great idea!
Love the tissue box tip for storing bags much nicer than just keeping them in another carrier bag. Also like you am gobsmacked by sandals have definitely got to make some. I have used bin liners and carrier bags to make halloween costumes for my little girl she really liked my female pirate costume. You can also make a rustle play bag for your cat by sewing a carrier bag inside an old cushion cover leaving zip / one side open (but remove zip) or two squares of fabric. They can also be used instead of newspaper to keep shoes / boots in shape etc.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the blog post Liza and thank you for your comments. I love the rustle play bag idea, that's certainly one I'll pass onto any cat owners I know!
My wife use a plastic bag when we were on holiday as a make shift shower cap as she hadn't bought one with her. She also uses one as a clothes protector when my daughter dyes her hair. She puts a towel around her shoulders the tucks a plastic carrier around the back neckline. I just keep a few in the car and use them to carry stuff from the shops. Brlliant!! We your ideas about every topic of thought. Thanks.
Thank you Jack - those are great uses for plastic bags! We hope you have fun reading the rest of the blog.
Hi I would like to say how well you have done with plastic bags I am going to have a go at making something and post it on here.
Thank you Theresa, we can't wait to see it!
Great! You can also return the plastic bags to some responsible plastic bag manufacturers who recycle them to create new packaging materials. https://www.polypak.com/sustainability/
Hi there. Thanks a lot for sharing :)
i use morrisons home delivery service. any carrier bags bought, instore or online, with your shopping can be sold back to them at the same price you paid. yep! thats 5p per bag! they will collect upto £5 worth of bags per delivery. thats a huge saving! well done morrisons! lets hope all supermarkets follow suit very soon.
Hi Christine. We didn't know about this - that's amazing. Thanks a lot for sharing this with us, we'll definitely check it out :)
I donate mine to the local food banks. They are always in need of them
Great tip! Thanks Mel.
I have enjoyed your write up today its been great, we all have our ideas of doing something but you can always take someone' who has perhaps got a better idea, its always worth looking and reading.
Glad you've enjoyed it, Audrie! Thanks for getting in touch.
this may seem a bit tacky ... In a pinch use to tie back curtains. wrap cords to keep them organized to tie around those bulky sleeping bags or blankets I ride my bike so I stuff a couple into the handle bar ends for emergency uses tie together spoons and forks and knifes and other kitchen cookware keep shoes together make a rope for just about anything you can thing to hang stuff from including picture frames wrap Christmas light bundles make ghosts for Halloween if you notice that a dog park is out of plastic bags, take your bags there notice a yard sale...ask if they need bags use to tie books together can be used to make tourniquets loop through your floor vents to make dancing characters grab a sharpie and write down all the things that make you sad, mad, and unhappy ... then throw away make a key chain donate them to your local teen or homeless shelter make a place mat for drinks or plates make car window shades to prevent others from seeing inside your car while shopping or at home use as a shower cap use as a hair tie tie to car heater vents with inspirational quotes, sayings and bible verses use to fill holes or make patches for holes then paint right over use as a tie for plants shred for faux dirt (fake dirt) got excess towels roll them and tie them
Wow, James! So many brilliant ideas. Stuffing them into your bike's handles is genius too!
thanks colleen B for those tips, i have used polythene bags for making a chair even when making some sculptures
Interesting tip, Solome! Thanks for getting in touch.
If you aren’t going to use your carrier bags for one of these great idea’s take a bundle to any charity shop they always need bags
That's a great suggestion!
When my dog walking shoes are no longer waterproof I put small bags over my feet before putting the shoes on and my feet stay lovely and dry.
Such a nifty idea!