'I'm bored.' Never hear that word again with these 17 super fun ideas for kids. We are at the mercy of British weather, so this blog post is split into both inside and outside ways to have fun. There are a few activities I wouldn't mind trying - you know, just to test them out...!
Inside fun
1. Rainbow soap foam bubbles

Make up a big batch of puffy rainbow bubbles and you and your kids will be entertained for hours this weekend. Check out Funathomewithkids.com for the easy instructions and enjoy sensory play. Have fun mixing colours or swirling. It looks so beautiful, I want a go!
2. Make galaxy playdough

Who needs to buy playdough? Make your own with flour, oil, food colouring, salt, cream of tarter and glitter. Follow the easy recipe from Fairydustteaching.com and then enjoy watching the kids create their own galaxies. The playdough looks pretty snazzy too! Check out 15 remarkable uses for that flour in the cupboard if you want to see more great tips like this.
For a similar activity, why not try making cloud slime?
3. Target golf

This looks very easy to do and the kids (and adults) will have so much fun! Turn a box upside down and cut out different sized entrances for the balls to get through. The slimmer entrances should have higher points and the larger entrances, lower points. You can always pick up some cheap mini clubs from toy shops, or grab this amazing Toy Golf Set from Amazon. The set includes three different types of clubs, 2 golf balls and 2 practice holes with flags. It looks like so much fun!
4. Make a colourful stained glass kite

If you can't get outside to fly a kite, make one! Makeandtakes.com show you exactly how to do it. You don't need much for this activity, just grab some construction paper, tissue paper, contact paper, yarn or ribbon and other scraps and you're set! They are sure to brighten up a rainy day.
5. Play with coloured rice

Happyhooligans.ca have listed their super-easy instructions on how to make coloured rice without rubbing alcohol. Make sure you keep your rice in an airtight container. You can use it to make scenes with toys, cards and if your children are young, use it to make a sensory box. Got any rice left? Check out 19 astonishing uses for that rice in your cupboard.
6. Buckets & beanbags

You can have endless fun with buckets and beanbags, you just need to know what to do with them. Spread the buckets out, each a further distance than the last and give the children varying points, depending on how difficult the target is. Younger children could try placing the correct colour beanbag in the correct colour bucket. Older children might enjoy lining them up on the stairs at different heights or taking them outside to play with when it's warm
7. Create a galaxy jar

If you liked the galaxy playdough then you'll love this DIY galaxy jar from Momdot.com. You don't need much, just a clean glass jar, Tempura paint, cotton balls, glitter and some water. They look so beautiful and adults will love them as much as the kids! Head to Anushka's 57 exciting ways you can transform empty jars for other amazing jar uses.
8. Have fun with puffy paint

This homemade puffy paint is an easy craft for the kids to do. Onelittleproject show you exactly how to make it with three simple ingredients - shaving cream, glue and food colouring! It's a super-fun activity that will keep the kids busy for hours at the weekend.
If you love painting, give DIY chalk paint a try next!
Outside fun
9. Create a splash & slide

This idea was taken from Anushka's 15 fun ways to spend your long summer nights. Grab some plastic tarp and lay it down next to a slide in the garden. Switch on a hose while the kids slip and slide. Grab some washing liquid for even more fun!
10. Go on a nature walk
If you're organised and have a great route planned, a nature walk can help keep the kids busy for a long time. Pack up a picnic, paper and pens and head to a local nature spot. Give the kids fun tasks to do, such as drawing plants, trees or wildlife. If you know exactly what you'll come across, like a big pond, swans or an oak tree - write a checklist for them to tick off when they've spied it.
11. Make a giant bubble wand

Myfrugaladventures.com tells you how to make a simple giant bubble wand. It won't cost much and will only take around 10 minutes of your time. Bubbles are fun for children of all ages, especially if they're giant!
12. Make a skipping rope out of plastic bags

Childhoodlist.blogspot.co.uk have detailed exactly how to make your own DIY plastic bag jump rope. It's a fun project to do together and you'll have so much fun skipping when it's made. If you have lots of plastic bags laying around, check out these 39 ways to reuse plastic bags.
13. Odd jobs

Photo credit: Eric Leslie
If your children are old enough, get them to do odd jobs around the house. They could even be sent round to help a neighbour, which is the perfect way for a child to learn about caring for others.
14. Rounders or Baseball

I'm a big fan of rounders. If you've got a big family or lots of friends then head down to your local park and play. You can get a Super Safe foam baseball bat for kids or a Rounders set in a handy Mesh bag. The rounders set includes all the stumps, a bat and a soft tennis style ball, perfect for children. Check out these rounders rules or baseball rules for more information on how to play.
For more ideas like this, check out these garden activities for kids.
15. Food shopping

It's an activity we have to do, but instead of dreading it, embrace it! Ask the kids to help by giving them each a short list to tick off, or depending on their age ask them to help with picking the correct products. It's a good opportunity to teach the children about money-saving and you'll get one of your weekly chores done at the same time.
16. Host an outdoor cinema night

If the weather is warm at the weekend then make the most out of it, from morning to evening. Invite your friends, family and neighbours over to watch a film in your garden. Hire a projector, and serve popcorn, candy floss and hot dogs. That will keep the kids entertained for a few hours. Visit Anushka's 12 fun and fabulous ideas for the ultimate staycation for more ideas like this.
17. Bubble wand flowers

Using foam pool noodles, paper straws and ribbon you can make a beautiful Bubble Wand Flower! Skiptomylou.org has all the details on how to make them. They look very easy to do and will help keep your kids busy.
Have a great weekend folks. Please give this post a share if you enjoyed reading - we're trying to spread the word of Expert Home Tips. Thanks!
thanks for some brilliant ideas - will pass this page on to local mums page
Thanks very much for sharing Lin - we really appreciate it! Hope you enjoyed the blog post. :)