We'll never get bored of cleaning hacks here at Expert Home Tips. They've saved us so much time and money over the years, so it's no surprise we can't get enough of them.
With that in mind, today we're releasing a brand new set of cleaning hacks we've never shared before. These are top secret and some of the best, so be sure to check them out!
Cleaning hacks to make your kitchen look spotless
1. This cleaning hack saves SO much mess

We just love this clever little cleaning hack.
No matter how careful we are with oil bottles, some always seems to spill. Luckily, we know to wrap a paper towel around the container, and secure with an elastic band to catch all the drips.
Try it - it's genius!
2. Use dryer sheets to clean oven racks
Oven cleaning - need we say more? It's a tough, intimidating task many of us put off.
Once you've discovered this new cleaning hack using dryer sheets, you'll no longer dread getting stuck in.
Lay dryer sheets onto the base of a large sink, washing up bowl or bathtub, place your oven racks on top, add a squirt of washing up liquid, then top with enough hot water to cover the racks.
Allow it to sit for a few hours (or even better, overnight if you have time) then wipe the racks clean with the soaked dryer sheets.
Your racks will come out spotless with very little effort.
Did you know there are some great alternatives to dryer sheets? Try them out!
3. Run a lemon through your garbage disposal
For those you who have a garbage disposal, listen up - we have a brilliant cleaning hack for you.
All you need are a few cut lemons. Pop them down your garbage disposal unit, switch it on for about 15 seconds, and it will leave your whole kitchen smelling fresh and fragrant.
4. How to treat cloudy glasses

Murky wine glasses? Get them sparkling brighter than you've ever seen them with two secret ingredients:
- Distilled white vinegar
- Paper towels
You can either soak glasses in vinegar, then dry with a paper towel, or soak your paper towels and use them to wipe the glasses. Don't worry about any lingering vinegary-tastes, as these will evaporate.
5. How to remove plate scratches
Now, this really is a fab cleaning hack. Scratches will make your plates look tired and old, but luckily we have a quick fix for that.
Want to know the secret?
Barkeeper's Friend. This product is extremely popular in America, and with results like this, it's easy to see why. Rubbing the powder over bowls and plates will soon get them looking amazing again.
Watch the video below to see this cleaning hack in action.
6. Remove rust from cutlery
Has your cutlery got rust marks? This is simply remedied at home using natural ingredients, lemon and water.
Fill a large glass/Mason Jar with equal parts warm water and lemon juice. Add your cutlery, leave for an hour, and scrub clean to reveal spotless, sparkling silver.
7. A cleaning hack to get floors sparkling
Got a flat floor mop? They're great for reaching corners and getting floors sparkling.
The only problem?
The mop heads need replacing regularly. Don't spend money on replacements - a great substitute is using fluffy socks which you can pick up for a quid from Primark.
Stretch over the mop head and use as normal.
Cleaning hacks for your living room
8. Treat stains with shaving foam

We love nothing more than a weird and wacky cleaning hack, and this definitely ticks that box. If you have some unsightly soft-furnishing stains, shaving foam could be just what you need.
Spray it directly onto the stain, and leave for a few minutes. Its foamy nature will seep much deeper into the fabric than soap and water alone. Blot with a paper towel to remove the shaving foam and the stain and reveal a spotless sofa.
9. How to vacuum small spaces
Nooks and crannies can be tricky to reach, even with the smallest vacuum head attachment.
There's a hack for that!
Attach a condiment nozzle onto the end of your vacuum tube and you'll be able to get into literally any space, no matter the size.
10. How to remove water stains
If you drink tea anywhere near as much as we do, you'll be familiar with pesky water stains. These pose a strange cleaning problem, and it can be difficult to know how to treat them.
Want to know our secret?
A hairdryer! Hold it a few inches away from the stain and use a medium heat whilst buffing with a bit of polish on a cloth. The results are amazing.
11. Use beer to shine wood

Want to hear another bizarre cleaning hack?
It turns out, beer isn't just great for drinking - it also adds a gleaming shine to dull wood. Dampen a clean cloth with beer, wring out, and use in circular motions on wooden surfaces to bring it back to life.
12. The easiest way to clean blinds
Cleaning blinds can be a timely task. Why not make things easier with a simple cleaning hack?
Instead of a duster, pull an old sock over your hand and use it to clean your blinds instead. You'll be able to access both sides of the blind at once, making this job much less fiddly.
For advice on how to clean vertical blinds, take a look at our other guide.
13. How to fix scratches on leather furniture
When shoes get scratched and marked, we use shoe polish to buff them up. Well, why not try the same method for your leather furniture?
Apply a small amount on a soft, polish brush (make sure it's a good colour match) and apply to scuffed areas of leather. Buff thoroughly to remove any excess and marvel at the astonishing difference it makes!
Bathroom cleaning hacks you don't want to miss
14. Super scrubbing power
This is one of our most powerful cleaning hacks ever! If you've got a really dirty shower to clean, it's definitely worth considering. It involves attaching a brush to your drill - don't fret, it's not as intimidating as it sounds!.
Watch the video below to learn how to make one yourself.
15. Remove concrete grease stains using coca-cola
Opted for an industrial-look concrete floor in your bathroom? They're an excellent choice and so easy to keep clean, especially when you have a few cleaning hacks up your sleeve.
Our top way to remove stains (especially grease) from concrete is to pour Coca-Cola over them - yes, really! The fizz will help break down stains, and a quick wipe over will leave your concrete spotless.
This is also great in the garage.
Cleaning hacks for the bedroom
16. The easy way to clean straighteners
Ahhh - if only your beloved straighteners could stay looking the same as the day you bought them forever.
Guess what? They can!
A little bit of surgical spirit and a cleaning cloth are all you need to give your straighteners a new lease of life.
17. The foolproof way of removing nail varnish remover

Oops! Spilt nail varnish on your floor? All is not lost - there's a really reliable way to remove it.
Best of all?
You only need two things to clean it up:
- Surgical spirit
- Microfibre cloth
Spray surgical spirit onto the stain, then lightly blot with a microfibre cloth. Repeat until the stain is removed.
Do you have any cleaning hacks you think we may not have heard before? We'd love to hear them in the comments below!
Hi! My name is Delilah and you rock!! I'm
You too, Delilah!
Sweep the room with a glance... and hire a cleaner (really, how much is your time worth? why waste your life cleaning?)
Hi Jo! That is very true. If you can afford it, your time is often worth more.
Great ways to clean: -hire a cleaning lady -sit back and relax
GREAT idea! Hahaha!
A steam cleaner is a real game changer. Using nothing but a jet of steam, it is a perfect method of cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. No need for chemicals, the steam lifts grease, dirt and stains, and leaves surfaces just needing a wipe. Excellent if you have health concerns, as the steam sterilises surfaces.
Wow! I need to get one of these.
Hi, I know you said to put cleaning hacks, but I was somebody would be able to help me with something. I have tarnished cutlery & want a pet friendly way of cleaning them please?
Hi Ann! You could try soaking them in a mixture of boiling water and white vinegar.
This cleaning hack ideas are well written and useful.
Thanks for the kind words, Joseph!
What is surgical spirit? Rubbing alcohol? (I'm in the US)
Yes, they're the same!
To stop your kitchen bin from nasty smells caused by leftovers and peeling etc. Buy a bag of nappy Sachs which have a nice pleasant smell to pop them and tie them up. Thank you for all your tips enjoy reading them with my morning coffee.
Thanks for sharing, Carol! Or perhaps a food waste bin could work? You'd probably want to use biodegradable sacks.
What is a straightener? I am a compulsive cleaner in West Hollywood, USA. THANKS.
A straightener is a flat iron for your hair