How To Polish Shoes (Get A Brilliant Shine Every Time)

How To Polish Shoes (Get A Brilliant Shine Every Time)

Whether you've got a big date or you're going to a job interview, first impressions matter. Turning up to either of these occasions with grubby-looking shoes won't do you any favours. If you have had the same footwear for a while, you will notice that it starts to look messy. The shine that once lit up the whole room will be dull. So, what should you do about it?

Learning how to polish shoes properly is the answer. This chore might not be the most exciting thing in your schedule, but doing it well is worth your time and energy. In a world where fast fashion has become the norm, there's something noble about looking after clothes and being sustainable. The following guide will cover how to polish shoes to make them look new.

Gather your shoe-polishing tools

Before you get started, you need to make sure that you have everything you need to polish your shoes. Whether you have navy, neutral, or black shoes, the stuff you need will virtually be the same. With that in mind, here's a quick rundown of the main things you should gather first.

Soft cloths (or old clothing!)

First, you will need some soft cloths that won't damage the material of your shoes. While you can buy these cloths from a shoe shop or online, they are not the only option. If you want to save time and money, it's worth looking in your wardrobe instead. Using an old T-shirt, for example, is a simple way to polish your shoes without the price tag.

Leather cleaner

If you are clearing leather shoes, you will need to get your hands on this one. Unless you want to spit-shine your shoes, choosing a decent cleaner is important. That means researching ahead of time and choosing one that suits you well. When it comes to how to polish patent leather shoes, you need to make sure that you invest in a quality leather cleaner.

Soft brush

Once again, if you are dealing with expensive shoes, you need to make sure that you get the correct type of brush. One of the biggest mistakes people make here is using a brush that is too hard. When you do that, you could scratch or even ruin the material. Instead, aim to get a gentle horsehair brush on finer materials, such as leather.

Shoe trees

While you can simply stick your hand in the base of your shoe, having a shoe tree is smart. This gadget goes inside your shoe to flesh it out while cleaning it. You can get wooden or plastic shoe trees. Perhaps you already have some around your house. If not, you can get them cheaply online or in a shoe shop.

Shoe polish

Next, it's the moment you've been waiting for. Yes, you're going to need some shoe polish. Make sure that you do your research. There are many different types of shoe polish on the market. For the best results, we recommend using standard cream polish for most shoes.


Finally, you'll need some water. This is particularly important if you want to get the mirror-shine effect when polishing your shoes. Once you have learned how to polish your shoes, you can use water to elevate the look. This trick (which we will show you shortly!) makes your shoes sparkly, as if you have just bought them from the shops.

How to polish shoes: 5 steps

Now that you have gathered all the things that you need, it's time to get started. Polishing your shoes doesn't take a long time. However, you must follow the proper steps to get the job done. Read the following tutorial before you get started on this one.

Step 1: Get your shoes ready

Before you do anything else, you need to prepare your shoes for polishing. You should do this by removing the laces completely. They will just get in the way.

After that, you should pop the shoe trees in the base of each shoe. If you don't have any shoe trees, you can use your hands to keep the shoes in place while you polish them.

Step 2: Start cleaning your shoes

The next step is to clean your shoes. You can start by using a soft brush to remove anything on the shoes. This is particularly useful if you happen to have mud caked on them. However, you should go through the process no matter what.

You can also dampen one of the soft cloths (or pieces of clothing!) you use. Rub the damp cloth over the shoes to get rid of any dirt. The idea is to make sure that the shoes are 100% clean before you go on to the next stage of polishing them.

Step 3: Apply the shoe cleaner

Now that there is no dirt on the outside of your shoes, you need to apply the shoe cleaner or conditioner. You can follow the instructions on the product that you have bought. Alternatively, you should rub the cleaner into the leather of the shoes and leave for 10-15 minutes before moving on to the next step.

Note: You don't need to remove the shoe cleaner before polishing your shoes. This product softens the material—i.e., the leather—so that it can take in the polish when you use it.

Step 4: Polish your shoes

You're You'refor the main event! When it comes to how to polish your shoes, there are a few things to keep in mind, as follows:

  • The shoe polish needs to be the same colour as your shoes
  • You only need a small amount of shoe polish to start with
  • Cover the whole shoe when you use the polish

Get one of the soft cloths and put a tiny bit of the polish onto it. Then, start rubbing the polish into the exterior of your shoes in a circular motion, making sure that you cover the whole shoe from tip to toe. Then, leave the polish to dry for 10-15 minutes.

Step 5: Add some water

If you are happy with the result, you can leave it as is. However, if you want to achieve a mirror-shine effect, you'll get some water. Be aware that this does not work for shoes with a matte finish. You should only do it on shiny shoes.

Dampen a cloth and add a small amount of the polish you were using before. Buff the shoes in a circular motion quickly. You should notice that the shine starts returning to the material in no time. Keep doing this until you get the result you want.

Learning how to polish shoes does not have to be complicated. Once you have completed this task, you will see that it takes less than 30 minutes. As a general rule, you should regularly clean and polish your shoes so that they look as good as new.


Did we miss something along the way? Check out our frequently asked questions now:

How long does it take for shoe polish to dry?

Usually, shoe polish dries in 10-15 minutes. However, if you choose to use wax polish rather than cream polish, it might take longer.

How do you polish Dr Martens shoes?

The process for how to polish Dr Martens shoes is similar to any other high-quality shoe. However, you should make sure that you follow the manufacturers.

How do you polish shoes without polish? 

If you don't have any shoe polish at home, don't worry. There are many ways you can learn how to polish shoes without polish. You might want to use olive oil, for example, or other home remedies. However, it is always best to use traditional shoe polish.

How do you get shoe polish out of clothes?

If you have had an accident, you might want to know how to get shoe polish out of clothes. You should pretreat this stain using some baking soda. When you have done that, soak the clothing for around 20 minutes to get rid of the mark. If the mark has gone, you can wash your clothing as usual. Take care not to wash your clothes with the mark on them, or it will stain.

Are your shoes looking better? Let us know in the comments below!

Joanne A


Expert in finding beautiful solutions for small and rented spaces. Would happily spend the rest of my life shopping for homewares and watching Disney movies - I only wish I had Cinderella's army of mice to help me clean!

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