How To Get Rid Of Slugs In The House (Stop Them Getting In!)

How To Get Rid Of Slugs In The House (Stop Them Getting In!)

The silvery lines on the floor all point to one thing — you have slugs in your home. When the slimy molluscs get into your house, it can be a real pain. Aside from anything else, slugs can bring in bacteria. The creatures' natural habits include bogs, compost heaps, grassy areas, and flower borders. So it hardly takes a genius to realise that they could bring all kinds of unwanted germs into your home when they decide to visit.

Want to know how to get rid of slugs in the house? Then, you've come to the right place. In the following guide, we will look at how they get into your home, how to prevent them from coming in, and what you can do if they already have. Here's what you need to know.

How Do Slugs Get In The House?

Slugs are a common pest problem in homes, especially in humid and moist environments. These slimy creatures can be annoying as they leave snail trails and damage plants, fabrics, and electrical appliances when entering our homes.

So, how are they getting in? The most common way these pests come into our houses is through small openings such as cracks in walls, gaps around windows and doors, or even through vents. They can also enter through holes in screens, gaps around pipes or electrical wires, or the basement.

Slugs are sneaky. They can also hitchhike inside on plants or other items brought into the house, or they may be accidentally transported inside on the shoes or clothing of people outside. Once inside, these slimy creatures hide in dark and moist areas such as under furniture, in basements or crawl spaces, or behind appliances.

How To Stop Slugs Coming Into The House

Now that you know how slugs sneak into your home, let's talk about how you can stop them. While you can't hire a slug bouncer to stand watch for you, here are some things you might want to try for yourself:

1. Create a barrier

Check for gaps or cracks in your home's foundation, walls, or doors, and seal them up to prevent slugs from entering. Placing a barrier around your home is one of the most efficient ways of preventing them from getting in.

You can use copper tape, which gives off a small electrical charge that repels slugs, or a line of diatomaceous earth that dehydrates the slugs.

2. Use some salt

Salt is often a natural remedy to deter slugs from entering a house or garden. It's because salt is highly effective in dehydrating and killing slugs.

When slugs come in contact with salt, it causes their bodies to lose moisture rapidly, often leading to severe dehydration and, eventually, death. It is why sprinkling salt around the perimeter of your home or garden can be an effective way to prevent slugs from entering.

However, it's important to note that using salt can also adversely affect the surrounding environment. For example, it can harm plants, and if it gets into the soil, it can make it difficult for plants to absorb water and nutrients. So, if you choose this method as a deterrent for slugs, use it sparingly and avoid using it in areas where it could harm plants or other animals.

3. Use a natural slug repellent

Are you a coffee fan? This one's for you. Natural substances such as coffee grounds, crushed eggshells, and citrus peels can repel slugs. Sprinkle these around the perimeter of your home to create a natural barrier against slugs.

How To Get Rid of Slugs Permanently: Expert Tips

Okay, you know how to stop slugs from coming into your home. That's great. But it's also worth learning how to get rid of slugs permanently. Here are some ideas you can try:

1. Remove any hiding places

Spoiler: Slugs love to hide in dark, damp places during the day. With that in mind, it's time for a quick spring clean. By removing any debris or clutter in your garden or outdoor space, you can eliminate their hiding places and the chances of infestation.

2. Use natural predators

Ducks are natural predators of slugs. Unlike other pest control methods, these poultry birds will eat the snails and slugs that are causing damage to your garden while leaving your plants unharmed. While it's a curveball, getting some more pets may help!

Believe it or not, ducks are relatively low-maintenance animals. They can be left to roam around your garden or farm and will primarily take care of themselves.

3. Use slug pellets

Not in the market for some new feathery friends? Okay. If all else fails, you can use slug pellets to kill slugs. However, choosing a safe product for the environment is crucial, and following the instructions carefully to avoid harming other wildlife. Make sure you do your research before you select the slug pellets that you want to use here.

Are Slugs In The House Dangerous?

Are you worried about your home? Slugs in the house are generally considered a nuisance rather than a danger. While they are not venomous and do not directly threaten humans, they can cause damage to plants and can leave a slimy residue on floors and other surfaces.

However, some people may be allergic to slug trails that leave a slime extract behind, which can cause skin irritation or respiratory problems. Either way, it's worth taking the time to get rid of slugs that have decided to become unwanted house guests.

What Attracts Slugs To My House?

If you find that slugs keep coming into your home time and time again, there may be a reason. The molluscs are attracted to certain things in your home, including:

Moisture: Slugs need a moist environment to survive, and they are attracted to areas where they can find water or dampness. It could include leaky pipes, damp basements, or areas around your house where water collects.

Vegetation: Slugs are herbivores and feed on a variety of plants. If you have a garden or any other vegetation near your house, garden slugs may be attracted to the area to feed.

Shelter: Slugs prefer to avoid direct sunlight and may seek refuge under rocks, logs, or other debris. If you have a lot of clutter around your house, it could provide a good hiding place for slugs. Time for a clear-out?

Warmth: Some species of slugs are more active at night when temperatures are cooler. Slugs might seek shelter inside if your house is warmer than the outside environment.

Do Slugs Nest In Houses?

And finally, slugs do not nest in houses like birds or rodents. In fact, they do not build nests or burrows at all. However, these slimy pests can find their way into homes and hide in dark, moist places such as under sinks, basements, or potted plants.

Do you have some sneaky slugs in your home? It is essential to be careful when trying to get rid of slugs in the house because several potential hazards and risks need to be considered. In addition, slugs play an essential role in the ecosystem as decomposers and can benefit the garden. Therefore, consider the potential impacts of any slug control method on the broader ecosystem and only use necessary and effective techniques.


Did we miss something along the way? You've come to the right place if you still have a question about these molluscs. Here are a couple of additional questions:

Why have I got slugs in my house?

Slugs are attracted to a variety of environments, not least your home. These molluscs look for warmth, dampness, and shelter. If your home provides all of the above, they may return. Additionally, you should look at how they are getting into your home.

What smells do slugs hate in a house?

Are you trying to deter slugs? If you are, you might want to use lavender in your home. However, slugs don't like the smell of this plant, and it may put them off.

Will sprinkling salt deter slugs?

Yes! Salt dehydrates slugs, eventually killing them. If you want to use an extreme method to get rid of slugs, you can try this. You may also choose to use coffee grounds around your home instead.

Where do slugs go during the day?

Slugs tend to hide in damp and dark places. For example, you may find them under clutter or hiding near a rock bed. It's not that hard to find them!

 How bad is your slug problem? Let us know in the comments below!

Joanne A


Expert in finding beautiful solutions for small and rented spaces. Would happily spend the rest of my life shopping for homewares and watching Disney movies - I only wish I had Cinderella's army of mice to help me clean!

  1. Author MandyP on May 19, 2023 at 1:27 pm

    Slugs carry Lungworms and the eggs of the Lungworms can be present in their slime trails. If dogs, hedgehogs etc ingest an infected slug they can develop Lungworms and it can be fatal. It's vitally important to get rid of any slugs and their trails. Although hedgehogs are known for being good slug predators, the current lungworm epidemic is affecting their already threatened numbers. They prefer a varied diet of various insects, especially beetles. If you have a garden, place beer traps around to catch and drown the slugs.

    1. Author Joanne A on May 23, 2023 at 1:03 pm

      Slug trails may contain lungworm eggs, posing a risk to dogs, hedgehogs, and other animals if ingested. To reduce slug populations, placing beer traps in gardens can help drown slugs, but it's essential to consider additional measures and consult a veterinarian for preventive measures and treatment options regarding lungworm infection.

  2. Author jan 82 on May 20, 2023 at 1:00 pm

    I have had slugs in my kitchen several times. last one was found by having my washing machine motor invaded, HORRIBLE had to have new motor in washer! luckily insured! think they were coming in up waste pipe and along skirting board. will try citrus peel under sink this time.

    1. Author Joanne A on May 23, 2023 at 12:59 pm

      Dealing with slugs in your kitchen can indeed be a frustrating experience. It's good to hear you had insurance to replace your washing machine motor. In addition, taking preventive measures like using citrus peel can help deter slugs from entering your kitchen again.

  3. Author Lee on August 19, 2023 at 1:13 pm

    I found slug trail around my cat’s dishes. Then I saw them! I quickly put them down the garbage disposal. I hope there were only two!

    1. Author Joanne A on September 19, 2023 at 10:02 am

      Using alternative methods like manual removal or natural repellents to prevent their return and avoid potential plumbing issues is better. Consulting a pest control professional may be necessary for persistent slug problems.

  4. Author Tracy on September 6, 2023 at 1:09 am

    Help! Every night I find slugs in my dining room. But I can't work out where they're getting in. Tonight I found 5 dotted about all over. There is cat food in there but they never eat it! Then every morning they're gone. What can I do? Are they living in my house in the day? It's got to the point I wake up at 1am every night to catch them and throw them out please Help!

    1. Author Joanne A on September 19, 2023 at 9:53 am

      To prevent slugs from entering your dining room, identify and seal any potential entry points, keep the area dry, and use natural deterrents like diatomaceous earth. If the issue persists, consider consulting a pest control professional for more effective solutions.

  5. Author Rose adams on September 9, 2023 at 3:01 pm

    Hi I have slugs every morning in my front room ,iv a wooden floor but never see slug trails anywhere so can find where they are coming in ,I have a cat and put his food away every night so it's not that they are coming for I don't know what to do .

    1. Author Joanne A on September 19, 2023 at 9:39 am

      To address slugs in your front room with a wooden floor, identify and seal any potential entry points, then use slug barriers like copper tape or diatomaceous earth to deter them. Ensure there are no attractants, such as food scraps, and consider consulting a pest control professional if the issue persists.

  6. Author Dominic on January 7, 2024 at 6:20 pm

    We had problems with slugs in our kitchen and dining room when we moved into a new house. Tried all sorts of deterrents but nothing seemed to work until I tried aluminium mesh over our air bricks! Seems to have done the trick ?

    1. Author Joanne A on April 15, 2024 at 11:22 am

      Using aluminium mesh over air bricks to deter slugs is a smart solution! The mesh creates a barrier that prevents slugs from entering through the air bricks, effectively solving the problem. It's a simple and effective way to keep your kitchen and dining room slug-free.

  7. Author Jane on February 24, 2024 at 11:48 pm

    Mine I think are coming in over the gap in the skirting board under dishwasher which allows the dishwasher door to open -I’ve had two in a week - it’s freaked me out - never before!!!!

    1. Author Joanne A on April 15, 2024 at 10:54 am

      I'm sorry to hear that! To prevent slugs from entering under your dishwasher, you can try sealing the gap with weather stripping or silicone sealant. You can also deter them with salt, vinegar spray, or copper tape and ensure the area stays dry and free of food crumbs.

  8. Author anne on September 8, 2024 at 10:43 am

    we have trails almost every morning across the carpet but when tracing them back they finish in the middle of nowhere, not near an edge or anything. have tried salt which has had no effect, even see trails through the salt, and also stayed up to catch them to no avail. Beginning to worry

    1. Author Joanne A on November 27, 2024 at 11:26 am

      They might be hiding beneath the floorboards or in small gaps. Have you tried sealing gaps?

  9. Author Delica on September 16, 2024 at 8:19 am

    Moved into this house in April of this year. Started noticing slugs in the bathroom since June. Been noticing them on a daily for the past 3-4 weeks. What can I do?? What do I do???

    1. Author Joanne A on November 27, 2024 at 11:24 am

      You could try sealing gaps around pipes and walls and look to see if you have any leaks that need fixing. Keeping surfaces dry and reducing moisture should help. Try the repellants in this article and see if that works. Cleaning thoroughly should help, too!


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