The moment you're first told you need glasses can be truly life-altering - you're officially a member of the four eyes club, and there's no going back!
Whether this fills you with joy at the stylish and sophisticated choices that lie ahead, or dread at never finding a pair that suits, glasses will now be something you have to learn to live with.
Sometimes glasses can be a lifesaver - they not only help you see, but hide dark eyes on tired days. However, they can also be pretty annoying, especially during sweaty workouts.
To make your life with lenses easier, we're sharing 8 amazing glasses hacks that you should never be without.
1. Use toothpaste to remove scratches

If you wear your glasses day-in, day-out, they're bound to get a little wear and tear over time.
If you've noticed scratches beginning to appear, there's no need to get new lenses immediately - you may be able to fix them with a little toothpaste.
Buff out scratches with a clean microfibre cloth and a small blob of toothpaste - your glasses will look as good as new in no time!
2. Stop glasses from slipping
Do your glasses keep falling down your nose? We have a secret hack to put a stop to this annoyance.
Simply take a hair bobble and tie it around the end of your glasses arm at the point that sits behind your ear. Repeat on the other side, and the glasses will no longer be able to slip and slide.
3. DIY a replacement nose pad

Has one of your nose pads fallen off? If you don't have time to get to the opticians immediately, we have a clever tip to help you make a quick replacement...
...using a hot glue gun stick. Cut a small slice off of the end and attach to the frames as a replacement nose pad - genius!
4. How to wear glasses when working out
If you've ever tried working out whilst wearing your glasses, you'll know that sweat and lenses don't mix. Sweat will make your glasses slip and slide all over the place - not ideal when you're trying to stay focused.
Luckily, there's a solution for this: Nerdwax is a special wax (that looks a lot like a lip balm) that you apply to the nose pads before exercising. This clever formula will keep your glasses in place, no matter what you get up to. Plus, Nerdwax is made from natural ingredients so won't aggravate the skin.
5. Prevent lenses from fogging with soap

Drastic changes in temperature will have an instant effect on your glasses, fogging lenses and making them impossible to see out of.
To keep them crystal clear, whatever the temperature, rub a dry bar of soap over the lenses. Wipe with a clean cloth, and the soap will prevent them from fogging.
We have even more unusual uses for a bar of soap over in our other article, go check them out!
TOP TIP: If your glasses have an anti-reflective coating on them, skip this tip. Soap will break down the coating.
6. How to replace a missing glasses screw
Glasses screws are so tiny - if you lose one, you may have a hard time finding it again.
No need to worry. If you can't get to the opticians for a replacement right away, a toothpick is all you need to provide a temporary fix.
Push the toothpick into the screw hole, and then gently snap it off just above. Whilst it won't last forever, this is a good temporary fix to keep your glasses working properly.
7. Clingfilm your glasses during DIY

Who says glasses and DIY can't go together?
If you love getting stuck into painting, carpentry and other messy tasks, your glasses may bear the brunt of it.
To keep them spick and span, whatever materials you're messing around with, cover lenses in a layer of cling film. It will protect them from dust, oil and liquid, and is easy to remove once you're done.
8. DIY glasses cleaner
Last but not least on our list of glasses hacks is a DIY glasses cleaner - something, we believe, everyone should know how to make.
If you've left it a while before cleaning your glasses, or if you've had a particularly 'dirty' day, you may need more than your glasses cloth to cut through the grease and grime
That's where our DIY glasses cleaner comes in.
Mix 3 parts rubbing alcohol with 1 part water and a couple of drops of washing up liquid and pour into a small spray bottle. Spritz onto glasses when grubby, and buff clean with a microfibre cloth - spotless!
Do you wear glasses? Share your glasses hacks with us in the comments below!
Hello, I'm not usually one to comment, but if someone has an anti-reflective coating on their glasses (most people tend to these days) - please don't put any form of soap on your lenses as it will strip the oil-based coating straight off. Don't want to see folks making an expensive mistake. Have a lovely day!
Hi Chris! That's definitely true for people with a coating on their lenses.
Hi Joanna, I love this website and all the hints. I do think, that as a duty of care to your followers, this article needs to be edited to reflect this important caveat.
Hi Scarlett! I have updated the article. Thanks for pointing this out.
My glasses rub my nose and the hard skin doesnt look nice what can I do to stop this please
Hello Joyce! Do your glasses have nose pads? If not, we'd suggest getting some with silicone nose pads and regularly cleaning them to remove oils. The frames might need some adjustment too if they are rubbing your nose.
Does the scratches and toothpaste tip relate to sunglasses as well?
Hi Jo, yes it does!
Bearing in mind the above comment about coated lenses, my late mother always washed her glasses in the washing up water as she said it got rid of grease.
Thanks for sharing, Brian! Sounds like a great idea.
I know it’s sounds obvious but keeping your glasses in a case when not in use can save them from damage. It’s often easier just to put your glasses down and forget about them but they can get damaged. Your optician should provide you with a case if you loose it or damage it you can get them cheaply from Pound stores or some charity stores. Why pay out for expensive glasses when pound stores have glasses in standard lense strengths.
Great tip, Norman!
I find that when I remove my spectacles, my vision is blurred. I remedy this by quickly popping my specs back onto my face, making sure that they are centred on my nose and that the arms fit over my ears. Properly applied this way. my glasses will remain in place until bedtime. Who would have thought that this simple trick would turn out to be so time-saving?
Clean lenses with perfume which also stops them fogging
That's interesting, Gillian! Thanks for sharing.
Never put your glasses lenses down first as this can scratch them
Important tip!
' why can'tI I buy glasses with curl sides l allways used to get them mick
It could be down to supply and demand. If very few people were buying this style, they might discontinue it. Have you tried shopping online? There might be a wider selection for you.
To stop glasses slipping. Use temple hooks, they slide on the handles and nestle behind your ear so you can hardly see them, much better than a sports band and much cheaper too.
Great idea!