The humble cucumber. Green, long... uninteresting... well that's where you're wrong. I have 21 superb uses for the humble cucumber and I believe that at least one will make you go WOW!
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1. Eat cucumber, lime & mint ice lollies

Do you know what you need on a hot day? Refreshing cucumber ice lollies, that's what. You can find this beautiful treat and the instructions to follow from Donna Hay. If you make them let us know in the comments below.
2. Defog your bathroom mirrors
Head to your cucumber, take a slice and wipe it all over the mirror before you nip in the shower. You'll enjoy a lovely smell and you'll be able to use the mirror afterwards.
3. Help prevent hangovers
After you crawl you in from a night out, eat a cucumber before you head to bed. The mighty cucumber contains loads of B vitamins, sugar, and electrolytes that will replenish all the essential nutrients that alcohol depletes.
4. Make sour cream & onion cucumber crisps

These delicious looking crisps (or chips, depending on where you're from) are the perfect low carb, tasty snack. Want to make them yourself? Visit Sugar-Free Mom to find out how.
5. Erase pen & crayons
I haven't tried this out myself, but the internet says that you can use the skin of a cucumber to erase pen, crayons, and markers off walls and paper.... this is certainly one you have to try out for yourself!
6. Treat your lips
If you've already read my 17 terrific tips to get luscious lips (and I'm sure you have, plenty of times), you'll know that placing a slice of cucumber on your lips will help to moisturise and lighten your lip complexion!
7. Make these 5 snacks

I came across these beautiful cucumber snacks from The Chriselle Factor and HAD to include them. They make great snacks for you to enjoy, or even as appetisers at a party. My favourite is 'The Green Roll' which is made from the cucumber, mashed avocado with capers and coriander. Yum!
8. Get fresh breath
Stinky breath? Hold a slice of cucumber between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. In 90 seconds you'll be odour-free.
9. Shine your shoes
Cut up a cucumber and rub it all over your shoe to get a nice shine! This also works with (believe it or not), the outside of a banana skin.
10. Make cucumber sushi rolls

Want to make a tasty vegan treat? Try your hand at cucumber sushi rolls from Live Eat Learn.
11. Reduce the appearance of cellulite
Help reduce the visibility of cellulite, by rubbing a slice of your trusty cucumber over your problem areas. According to Style Caster, the phytochemicals in cucumber tighten collagen to firm the skin's outer layer which means the appearance of cellulite is reduced.
12. Scare away ants
If you have loads of unwanted ants in your house, hunt around for the entrance point. Peel your cucumber and leave them overnight. Check out 25 astonishing uses for your fruit and vegetable peel for more delights like this!
13. Enjoy afternoon tea

Hark back to the good old days and enjoy a spot of afternoon tea, complete with cucumber sandwiches. The Lady in Waiting has all the instructions to make the perfect dainty finger sandwiches - feel free to invite us!
14. Clean taps & stainless steel
Rub a slice of cucumber on your taps to make them shine! You can also grab more slices and take them to stainless steel and give them a quick rub.
15. The Anti-Bloat Smoothie
What an interesting recipe from Happy Healthy Mama - the Anti-Bloat Smoothie! If you need something to tide you over before dinner then try out this delicious drink. The recipe calls for coconut water, banana, cucumber, ginger and a handful of ice. Easy.
16. Slow down the process of hair loss
Cucumbers are amazing at promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Why not try this deep conditioner today? If you're looking for more hair posts, check out Anushka's How to make your hair grow faster than ever - 1 inch in a week!
17. Eat a cucumber sub

If you're cutting down on carbs then this Buff Dudes Turkey Cucumber Sub Sandwich is something you'll want to try out. You might also want to look at our 21 aternatives to bread, potatoes & pasta.
18. Put cucumber on your eyes
Cucumbers have a mild skin lightening effect, which is why when you place them on your eyes, they help with dark circles. If you fancy soothing your eyes then cut thick slices, chill in the refrigerator and place them onto your eye area for 10 minutes. Wash with water and repeat.
19. Enjoy cucumber water
Try out cucumber detox water - it's incredibly simple to make, all you need is cucumber and water. Cucumbers are rich in nutrients and they taste great. Grab a jug, chuck in some sliced cucumbers and top with ice. Leave it for at least an hour. The ice cubes are important because they'll help keep the cucumbers submerged. Add mint or lemons if you fancy trying a different flavour.
20. Fix a noisy hinge
This is another tip that I haven't tried yet but the internet assures me it works! Take a slice of cucumber and rub it against the noisy hinge and hopefully it will go away.
21. Bake a cake

Who knew you could make a cake with cucumber? It looks absolutely delicious and I'd love to devour that elderflower icing. If you fancy trying tor hand at a seriously good looking cucumber and lemon cake then visit Veggie Desserts.
Have you gone WOW? I thought so! If you've got another use for cucumber, please let me know in the comments below...
always good useful information, thank you
Thanks for reading Janet!
The Cucumber! Long, thin, and green, has many uses, so I've seen, Help to keep the ants at bay, cure that creaking hinge today, all hail the humble. useful gherkin, it will help to keep things workin', seems that nothing will defeat it, just please, don't ask me to eat it!
Thank you Debbie, for your rhyme We appreciate that it took you time! Sorry you do not like to eat the green cucumber - all long and neat.
Take a slice of cucumber and rub it against the noisy hinge and hopefully it will go away.Wish I ahd known this some years ago. Hinge and Bracket were certainly not to my taste
Hi Hugh, thanks for your comment! If you still have trouble with that noisy hinge, may I point you in this direction... :)
I love these tips about cucumber. Absolutely amazing. Thanks for leaving a comment on the cucumber article on my blog. Have a good weekend. :-)
Thank you June - have a fantastic week, glad you liked the blog post! :)
Hi sarah did u know a cucumber slice not thin but a little thick can help reduce a nat bite it stops itching and reduces a little bit
That is interesting, thank you Patricia for your great tip!
I use cucumber on my eyes to decrease the appearance of the dark circles that form under them. I never knew you could use them on your lips might try that in future.
Enjoy the tip Michael!
No. 16 needs an update, I tried to go on the link for the deep treatment and after a false start with AVG telling me it wasn't a safe site to go on, I got a message saying the website wasn't available. If you've got the recipe I wouldn't mind a look!
Hi Jacky! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have now updated this for you.