Most of us can iron, but are we ironing correctly?
There are so many easy mistakes to make during this tricky task. It's easy to use the wrong temperature or adopt a bad technique when you don't know any different.
Expert Home Tips are here to steer you the right way. Get ironing like a pro with these 20 handy tips.
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1. Make use of the entire ironing board

Why faff around with clothes hanging over the sides of your iron? Be sure to make use of all of the ironing board, by placing long items landscape on the board.
The thinner end of your ironing board can also be very useful. It's particularly good for getting to creases near armholes. Place your top over the end, being careful not to stretch the fabric, and iron into the stretched out crevices.
2. Remove iron scorch marks using vinegar
If you do make a little error when ironing, it's not the end of the world.
A quick fix for scorch stains is white vinegar. Dip a clean cloth into the liquid, then wipe over the stain. Make sure to wipe with a clean part of the cloth each time to avoid spreading the mark.
Wipe with clean, cold water to finish.
3. Use the correct ironing technique
Yes, there really is such a thing as an 'ironing technique'. The correct way to iron is in long, straight strokes.
Avoid wiggling the iron around too much, as this may cause the fabric to stretch. It may also create new creases in the fabric, which will be tough to remove.
4. Boil your iron water

If you're like me and live in a hard-water area, you should really boil your water before use.
If you don't, you run the risk of your iron getting blocked up. This leads to all sorts of problems, such as stains on clothes and reduced efficiency.
Take the time to boil your water first - why not treat yourself to a cuppa while you're at it!
5. Remember to iron around decorative objects
Most of us know to avoid zips and buttons. The same is advised for detailing in general, be that sequins, glitter or very fine lace.
These areas often don't even require ironing. If they do need a quick 'once-over', iron them inside out on a low temperature.
6. Inside garments inside out where possible
Have you ever noticed a slight sheen on dark clothes post-ironing? This is caused by the heat of the iron.
A simple way to avoid this is by ironing inside out wherever possible. This will help protect the appearance of your garments and keep them looking great.
7. Iron in the correct order

Some items like vests are fairly easy to manage, but shirts are a different story.
If you don't know where to start, always remember to go 'outside in'. Start with the collar, then the cuffs and work your way in from there.
Having an order makes the ironing process much less fiddly and easier to tackle as a result.
8. Use bobby pins to secure your pleats
I just love this tip! When tackling a pleated item, such as a pleated skirt, pin the pleats into place using bobby pins.
This allows you to concentrate on your ironing technique without having to bother about moving pleats.
For more unique ways to repurpose bobby pins, check out my 19 NEW ways to use bobby pins that don’t involve hair.
9. How to correctly position your ironing board

Don't make life more difficult than it needs to be. Before you begin ironing, make sure your board is at the right height for you.
You don't want to have to stoop or bend over too much if possible as this can cause back pain. Bear this in mind and adjust your ironing board as required.
If you suffer severely from back pain, other additions may help. Thick rubber shoes that support your weight, for example, will help reduce the strain.
10. Iron on one side only
Everyday items actually don't need much ironing at all.
If your garment looks good after being ironed on only one side, don't bother with the other.
Not only will this save you time, but ironing may cause your clothes to look tired over time. Don't do more than you have to.
11. Hang up or fold your ironed items immediately

You've spent all that time ironing, don't make it go to waste.
Keep a selection of coat hangers nearby whilst ironing and you'll be able to hang garments up right away. For those items you aren't hanging, fold them on a flat surface immediately and put to one side.
This will prevent clothes from getting more creases before you put them away.
12. Banish creases with a DIY ironing spray
Some creases need a bit more than a hot iron.
For those cases, a DIY spray made from equal parts white vinegar and water can be used. Mix it up in a spray bottle, and spritz onto areas with particularly bad creases. They'll come straight out when you go over with your hot iron.
13. Iron in a well-lit room
Spending an hour ironing in the living room only to find your clothes still looking creased when you take them to your wardrobe is not ideal.
Attempting to iron in a poorly lit room can really hamper your efforts. It's often difficult to spot smaller creases, especially on lighter items.
Be sure to set up your ironing board in the best lit room in the house. The processes will be quicker and easier, and you'll achieve better results.
14. Iron in order from cool to hot

Before you begin ironing, take a few minutes to organise your items. Separate your items into different types: delicate, medium and durable.
Start with the delicates on a low temperature, and work your way up to the more durable garments and a hotter iron.
As irons take a while to cool down, this is the most reliable way to ensure no damage is caused to your clothing.
15. Line your ironing board with aluminium foil
All these tips will certainly help you to cut your ironing time down. Here's another cracker: line your ironing board with aluminium foil.
As aluminium foil is a heat conductor, the heat from the iron will mean the foil 'irons' the other side of the garment when you pass over it. This removes the need for ironing on both sides and gets great results - try it!
16. Iron down the centre of blouse sleeves
A nice, crisp line down the centre of a shirt sleeve looks sharp. Do the same with a blouse, however, and the result is strange.
To avoid these stiff looking folds, iron down the centre of the sleeve as opposed to along the seam.
17. Don't iron dirty clothes

When we throw clothes in the wash without removing stains, they're unlikely to come out.
The same goes for ironing - if you iron a garment that's unclean/spoiled, the heat will make the stain permanent.
This is easy to avoid, just make sure your clothes are all nice and clean before you start.
The exception to this is if you're using an iron to remove a butter stain. Find out how it's done in our other article!
18. Consider ironing large items on a table
If you have a very big item to iron, such as a bedsheet or a table cloth, consider using a table. Providing you line the table with towels beforehand to prevent burns, there's no risk.
Alternatively, place two chairs behind the iron and fold the large item carefully onto these as you go. This will prevent it from dragging on the floor and keep it looking nice and crisp.
19. Iron 100% cotton garments whilst still damp
Items made from 100& cotton are much easier than other materials. That's not to say they are easy, however.
Cotton creases can be extremely hard to iron out. One way to help is to tackle them whilst they are still damp. The heat will create steam when it hits the water, helping creases to fall out.
20. Clean your iron regularly

You've got your dress all ready for the party. It's freshly washed, now it just needs an iron. You turn on your iron and begin, only to find it leaving marks everywhere - what a nightmare!
This can often happen when we fail to maintain our iron. Irons, just like washing machines and other devices, should be cleaned regularly.
You can clean your iron using bicarbonate of soda, q-tips and other household items. Check out this tutorial by Real Simple to learn how.
Learn other ways Bicarbonate of Soda can be used to clean your home in Anushka's article.
Wow! I can't wait to put some of these new ironing tips to the test. Which ones are you going to try?
To avoid your dark clothes getting shiny from ironing or to press your office trousers place a slightly damp tea towel on the garment before ironing. My grandmother told me this and it works great!
Hi Anita. That's a great idea! Alternatively, you can iron the garment inside out :)
Also my mother used to work in a Laundry some 40 years ago. Using Hoffman's pressers etc. They used to use a sheet of brown paper to iron on, when ironing the mens suit / office trousers. You get no shiny marks.
Great tip, Ms Ririe!
Hi, why on this email that came to me does it say I can request free make up palette and show pictures of Lenor fabric conditioner beside the link to click..? There's been so many times this sort of thing has happened, also reading the tips the amount of time that words are spelled wrong or odd words put in that don't make sense. Please get your work checked before sending it out, it will save your embarrassment when children have to correct your mistakes.
Hi there, thanks for letting us know about the mistake in the newsletter and we're sorry to cause you any inconvenience with the wrong image.
I always used demineralised or deionised water for my steam iron. It's used for topping up car batteries so doesn't leave white deposit buildup. I tend to buy in France when possible or Asda or Halfords. 1 litre abt £1.
Hi Lizzie. Sounds like a great idea! Pretty cheap too considering irons can be rather expensive these days. Thanks for sharing :)
Hi Roger. This is also important so as to not melt the buttons. Thanks for sharing :)
Great tips, thanks! Taking time to learn how to use an ironing board (I know sounds stupid, right?) would have saved me so much time in the past. Then again, I used the carpet in Uni! :( And Jeez, the comment a bit above :( >>>>>>> LIFE
Hi Sandra. I know lots of people who don't iron at all so fully commend you for trying. It's never too late! Good luck :)
Extraordinary information for steam articles. Thanks for your info!
Hi Richard. You're very welcome, we're glad you enjoyed it :)
If you're using a DIY ironing spray, add a couple of drops of fabric softener or your favourite essential oil to the water... it smells wonderful. Also, scorched clothes are a thing of the past in our house, we have an iron that automatically senses the fabric and adjusts the temperature (rather than me naming a specific brand, just google fabric sensing iron), it's amazing.
Thanks for sharing, Claire!
I find it best NOT to fold clothes immediately after ironing. Best to let them cool completely then you won't set in the folds as the folded garment cools down. Especially shirts - When completely cold - then fold them. What do others think?
I would agree with this Julie!
Fantastic tips Thankyouuuuuu
Ironing? Who does ironing?
I certainly avoid it where possible!
I only iron to flatten seams while sewing these days - if you hang things on the line or airer properly creases drop out. Also removing from a tumble dryer while still warm. I find rolling or hanging minimises creases rather than folding, as most fabrics these days are easy care. My Mum would have had a fit - she ironed everything - including socks and bras!
It just goes to show how the fabrics have changed from back in the day. That said, I always have one or two pesky items that need a good iron after every wash.
I have obviously been doing ironing all wrong for too many years!Ironing in the dark and only using a tiny bit of the board! Geez do people really need this advice?
Hi Angela! Thanks for the feedback. You must be a real whiz with an iron - you'd be surprised, but a lot of people don't even know how to turn one on!
Hi, I worked in a launderette for years, and used to iron mountains of clothes people brought in Some of them not even washed YUCK! You could tell that they had not been washed as the smell of sweat when you ironed!! Also I was shown that you iron all the doubled fabric first, the back of collars, To avoid creasing the front, cuffs also on the inside for the same reason, and the yoke on the inside of a shirt to to prevent creasing the back yoke , then iron in sequence sleeve, front, back, sleeve, then other front of a shirt, hang up loosely on hanger until cooled then button up the front of shirt leaving top button open
Thanks for sharing that with us, Anne! I'm sure others will find it really helpful.
Thankyou for the tips Stephanie. Do you know any way to remove ironing shine on dark trousers, that has already happened?
Hi Ivy! It depends on how bad the scorch marks are. Rubbing white vinegar onto the shiny patches might help, but if they're badly scorched there's little you can do to restore them.
Thankyou stephanie
can you tell me how to Press a Saree Perfectly?
Hi Harshit! What fabric is the Saree made from?
I use the water from my dryer - it's scented the same as my softener, doesn't clog the iron (I live in a hard water area) and it's saving water and fuel....what can be better! :-))
That sounds like a good idea, but If you have used dryer sheets or fabric softeners in your dryer, the water may contain chemicals that could be harmful if used in large quantities. Additionally, if there is any lint or debris in the water, it could clog your iron and potentially cause damage. While it may not clog your iron now, using water not explicitly designed for ironing may cause problems over time.
It was so nice reading all your tips because my mum tought me to iron when I was about 12 year's old and your tips are exactly the same as l was tought l am 72 now
That's so lovely to hear, Hilly!
Could you give a tip 11A please? How dto stop your cat lying on top of your w ironed clothes as soon as you start a pile?
Haha! You could always try putting some tin foil on top to deter them.