Woke up early this morning? DON'T press snooze!
Start making the most of your mornings today and you'll be amazed at how much more you can get done.
Stuck for ideas? Here are 16 seriously productive things to start doing with your mornings:
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Love the ideas? Here is the full list:
1. Start a new hobby...

Don't wait till the new year, if you've got a hobby in mind, why not start today with your extra hour? There is no time like the present and it takes less than an hour to start most hobbies.
2. ...like a blog

A blog is a great example of a hobby you can start in an hour and it's perfect to get the creative juices flowing. If you're looking to start up a new blog, Venture Harbour have a super useful article on How to Start a Blog.
3. Watch the finale of your favourite show AGAIN
Before you judge me, we've all done it! We've got (or skipped) to the end of our favourite tv series time and time again. Ok, it's not as productive as some of the others on the list, but it's therapeutic and will have you reminiscing.
4. Practice speed reading with your extra hour
Beat your friends to the last page by practising your speed reading. It's great for the brain and will help improve your concentration skills - it's a win, win.
5. Go for a walk

There is nothing better for your wellbeing than getting some fresh air. Whether you go on a hike, or just around the block, take the time to be at one with nature. Trust me, you'll feel so productive.
6. Decide what you want for Christmas
Pick up your Argos catalogue (yes they still exist) and circle all your wanted items. It will save you staring at a screen and help your reading and prioritising skills, obviously!
7. Perfect your crouching badger hidden hydra

This sounds quite ambitious but it takes less than an hour to perfect a yoga move, like the above. If you're not quite at that level yet, why not try a beginners class or just meditating?
8. Or just try a YouTube workout vid
If yoga is too slow pace for you and you fancy burning some major calories, there are literally millions of videos on YouTube under an hour that will help you feel the burn. You can even do these while you're watching your favourite TV show or waiting for your washing to dry.
9. Treat yourself to an egg hair treatment

This one sounds a bit crazy, but eggs contain lots of beneficial vitamins for your hair, including vitamin A, B and D meaning you’ll see a drop in dandruff and other amazing benefits.
Find out how to make it in our Astonishing uses for eggs article.
10. Travel somewhere amazing on Google Street View
Have you ever dreamed about what it’s like to be in the Amazon jungle, The Egyptian Pyramids or any other fascinating landmarks on your bucket list? Just hop on Google Street View and you're there!
Save yourself a fortune in flight costs and satisfy your wanderlust at the same time. Woah, I wonder if David Attenborough knows about this?
11. Make some quick cash with your extra hour

Surveys, mystery shopping, eBay, the possibilities are endless! All you need to make some quick cash these days is an internet connection and you can watch the pennies roll in. Check out Money Magpie's 10 easy ways to make quick cash for some inspiration.
12. Learn a magic trick
Alakazam! Take an hour to master your card trick and impress your friends next time you're out. Check out this hilarious video on How to perform 7 simple tricks with household items.
13. Perform your air guitar routine to your favourite album
This one sounds silly, but it will make you feel like a rockstar! Not only is this ridiculously fun, but it's also a full body workout. Don't believe me? Ask Charles Muir how to Shred pounds with this air guitar workout.
14. Organise your closet with your extra hour

Throw all your clothes onto your bed and give your closet a good organising with your extra hour! Organise by colour, season, or any way you like. If you've not worn some items in a while and looking to declutter, why not sell your clothes on eBay? Check out my Simple guide to getting started on eBay.
If you're aiming to stay minimal once you've organised, Anushka has some great tips on How to create a capsule wardrobe & why it will change your life.
15. Catch up with a loved one
We're all super busy with our lives, but why not spend some time catching up with an old friend or someone from your family that you've not contacted in a while?
It will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I'm sure they'll love to hear from you, too.
16. OR just enjoy an extra hour’s sleep
Try as we might, we can't always be productive, and if you want to just treat yourself to an extra hour in bed, go ahead. You've earned it!
Thanks for reading! I hope I've inspired you guys to try something new. If you have any tips of your own, get in touch.
Not terribly helpful when we're all in lockdown and have plenty of time on our hands.
Hi Lucy! Even in lockdown, we're finding there still aren't enough hours in the day.
I get up early and sit out with a cup of tea watching the beautiful birds on my feeders very relaxing and no people about. Sets me up for the day.
That sounds lovely!