How To Clean Fireplace Glass (Get Rid Of Smudges!)

How To Clean Fireplace Glass (Get Rid Of Smudges!)

If you have a glass fireplace, you will know it can be a real pain to clean. Keeping the surface free from smudges and marks may feel impossible. What's more, you might not be confident in how to remove fireplace glass doors so that you can deep-clean them. Getting started is too overwhelming for some of us, and we ignore this household chore.

Luckily, you have come to the right place. In the following guide, we will look at how you can clean your fireplace glass, the tricks you need to use, and how to remove the doors. Read on to learn the best practices and become a pro at this tricky task.

How to clean dirty fireplace glass quickly

Over time, you will notice that the fireplace glass starts to get cloudy and dirty. This is particularly true for wood-burning stove glass or even an electric fire. When you realise that there is an issue, you may be wondering what you can do about it.

The answer is easier than you think. Cleaning dirty fireplace glass doesn't have to be a gigantic job, and you don't need to be a professional. Follow these simple steps to get started.

You will need:

  • Soft cloths
  • Paper towels
  • Dustpan and brush
  • Gloves (especially if there is lots of grime)
  • Warm water
  • Vinegar (or a commercial fireplace glass cleaner)
  • Washing up liquid
  • Blunt knife
  • Spray bottle

Step 1: Prepare the area

Before you get started, you need to prepare the area. Before you do anything, make sure that the fireplace is turned off. Then, leave the area to cool down completely. The last thing you want is to injure yourself while cleaning the glass fireplace.

Remember that this process can be pretty dirty, especially when dealing with wood-burning stove glass. For that reason, you should put down some newspaper pieces early on. This will help catch any drips or debris, meaning there is less to clean up later.

Step 2: Get rid of any debris

Next up, you need to remove any loose debris from the area. You can use a paper towel or a dry cloth to do this. Beware of loose ash and soot. You want to sweep all of this stuff out of the way before you start the main cleaning. That way, it will be less messy.

It's wise to wear a facemask during this process. Believe it or not, soot can be dangerous if you happen to inhale it. Protecting yourself — and particularly your lungs — is the way to go. If you don't have a facemask, you can tie a scarf around your face or cover your nose and mouth. 

Step 3: Make your cleaning solution

As mentioned, you can use a commercial fireplace glass cleaner. There are plenty of products on the market. However, these can be expensive, and you may want to make your own. Here's a quick DIY solution that you can create at home:

  • Mix equal amounts of white wine vinegar and water
  • Put the solution into a spray bottle and use liberally

If you don't have any white wine vinegar on hand, don't panic. You can create a cleaning paste using some ash from the fireplace and a small amount of water. The choice is 100% yours.

Step 4: Apply the cleaner to the area

It doesn't matter which cleaner you use; the next step is to apply it to the fireplace's glass. You should be as liberal as possible here. If you are using the ashy paste, you should use a damp cloth to help smooth the cleaner onto the glass. Create a thick layer. After that, you can leave the cleaning product or solution to work its magic for a few minutes.

Note: If you are using one of the commercial cleaners instead, you should follow the advice on the packaging. Most of the time, these products come with full instructions on how to use them.

Step 5: Get scrubbing the glass

When it comes to how to clean fireplace glass, this is the most important step. You will need to give this job some real elbow grease to get it done. Grab a damp cloth and start scrubbing the fireplace glass in a circular motion. Keep going until it is clear.

If stubborn pieces of grit remain, you should try scraping them off. Hold the knife at a 45-degree angle and gently chip away. Be very careful while you perform this step. The last thing you want to do is scratch or chip away at the glass fireplace.

Step 6: Rinse the glass

Finally, you need to rinse the glass as thoroughly as you can. You might find that it is helpful to empty the spray bottle and fill it with warm water. Next, spray the water directly onto the glass and use a cloth to remove any of the cleaner. You need to make sure that all of the cleaner is gone; otherwise, you could end up with some marks on the glass area.

When you have completed that part of the process, you should dry the glass thoroughly. You might find that a microfibre cloth or paper towel works the best. If you removed the glass from the fireplace, you can set it on newspaper to dry for a while.

Step 7: Polish the glass

Want to ensure that your fireplace glass shines? The final step is to polish it. Note that this is optional. You don't have to do it, but it can help the fireplace look new again. Get a commercial glass cleaner, some washing-up liquid, and water. Combine all three parts.

Next, spray the mixture directly onto the glass and wipe away with a soft cloth. Always wipe in the same direction to avoid annoying streaks. Continue this process until the glass shines and looks as good as new.

How to remove glass fireplace doors for cleaning

You can follow the above instructions to clean the fireplace glass. However, if you want to do a thorough job, remove the glass fireplace doors first. Exactly how you do this will depend on your fireplace type. However, here are some general steps to follow:

Step 1: Prepare the fireplace

Once again, you need to make sure that the fireplace is off and completely cool. You may also want to lay out some newspaper pieces to avoid making extra mess.

Step 2: Locate the screws or clips

Next, you need to figure out where the screws or clips are. You can use a screwdriver to take out the screws if needed. Alternatively, you might just need to pop the clips out.

Take extra care while you are removing these fastenings, and be sure to hold onto the glass. You don't want to drop the glass doors on the floor and break them.

Step 3: Slide the doors out of place

Much of the time, the doors will be on tracks in the fireplace. If that is the case, you will need to slide them out of the tracks. You might find that it is handy to have two people helping here.

Step 4: Remember the process

Remember the exact process as you do this. You will need to reverse it when you put the doors back into place.

You will often find that removing the doors is easier than putting them back together. If you have a manual for your fireplace, you can refer back to this to see how it is done.

Learning how to clean fireplace glass does not have to be challenging. In this guide, we have shared the steps to get it right from the start. The most important thing here is preparation. Ensure that you have everything you need before you get started.


Looking for some more answers about how to clean fireplace glass? Check out our frequently asked questions below:

What is the best thing to clean fireplace glass with?

While many products are on the market, one of the best solutions is white wine vinegar and water. Combine these in a spray bottle and use them to clean the glass.

How do you remove black soot from glass?

You can remove black soot using white wine vinegar and water. However, be careful not to breathe the soot in, as it is harmful. Always wear a facemask if possible.

Why is the glass on my fireplace turning black?

If your glass fireplace is turning black, you may have a problem with ventilation. While you can clean your fireplace glass, you should also check that the fire is working correctly. Refer to the manual or have an expert come to look at it.

Have you found any other tricks? Let us know in the comments below!

Joanne A


Expert in finding beautiful solutions for small and rented spaces. Would happily spend the rest of my life shopping for homewares and watching Disney movies - I only wish I had Cinderella's army of mice to help me clean!

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