Can You Freeze Almond Milk? (How To Keep It Fresh)

Can You Freeze Almond Milk? (How To Keep It Fresh)

Almond milk is a delicious dairy alternative. It doesn't matter if you're vegan, lactose-free, or fancy trying something different; this drink's tasty nutty flavour is always a treat. Of course, if you're not getting through the carton fast enough, you need to think of ways to keep it fresh. So, can you freeze almond milk? The following guide will cover everything you need to know about freezing this tasty milk alternative.

Can you freeze almond milk?

First up, the question you've been waiting for: Can you freeze almond milk? The short answer is yes. However, there is a right and wrong way to do it. If you have never done it, you need to know some freezer hacks to get it right. Luckily, you have come to the right place. In the following article, we reveal what you need to know here.

Why should you freeze almond milk?

Before we go any further, let's talk about why you might want to freeze almond milk. There are plenty of reasons that you may choose to freeze nut milk. Here are a few to consider:

●     Keep it fresh and make it last

You bought the almond milk a while ago and opened the carton. This type of nut milk doesn't last as long as you imagine. While you should always check the label to see the storage instructions, you usually have to consume the milk within 10 days. If you do not make that all-important deadline, it's worth freezing the almond milk. 

●     Use it in smoothies or ice cream

When the weather is hot, you may be ready to make a delicious plant-based smoothie or even an almond milk ice cream. It's one of the best ways to use your blender, after all! Often enough, the first step in this process is freezing your milk alternative. Learning how to freeze almond milk means that you can quickly get started with this recipe. Making delicious homemade treats is a great way to eat well.

●     Save it for recipes

While on recipes, almond milk can be used for a wide range of baked goods. If you're a fan of baking, you might want to freeze some almond milk and use it in your next batch. Many recipes call for fresh almond milk (or a milk alternative). However, this is not always practical, especially if you are unsure when you will have the time to cook. Having some frozen almond milk in your freezer makes things simple. It's a great cooking hack!

How to freeze almond milk the right way

Ready to get started and freeze your almond milk? It's important to note that most nut milk brands advise against freezing it. That is because when the frozen milk alternative is thawed, it may separate and look unappealing. However, you can freeze almond milk, should you wish to do so. Follow these simple steps to get started here:

Step 1: Pour the almond milk into an ice cube tray

You cannot freeze almond milk in its carton unless you want to make a real mess. Instead, you need to decant the milk alternative into smaller portions. One of the easiest ways of doing this is using an ice cube tray. We always have them on hand, because there are so many ways to use an ice cube tray. Carefully decant the almond milk into the sections of the tray. Make sure you fill them up as much as you can. You want there to be the least possible amount of oxygen in each of the ice cube compartments.

Step 2: Cover the tray with cling film

Next up, you want to cover the tray with cling film. You should make sure that this is as tight as possible. It doesn't matter whether it is unsweetened or vanilla almond milk; the same process applies. You want to ensure no spillages or problems when you are freezing the almond milk. Keep things as secure as you can.

Step 3: Freeze for 2-3 hours

When you are confident that the ice cube tray is secure, the next step is to freeze your almond milk. You should make sure that you put the ice cube tray face up in the freezer. Don't have it at an angle, or you could have nasty spillages. Ideally, you want to leave the almond milk for two to three hours. However, if you have the time to freeze it overnight, you should do so. You can leave it for as long as you please.

Step 4: Transfer the ice cubes

Once the almond milk ice cubes have set, you may choose to move them. Grab a freezer bag and pop each of the cubes out of the tray. You can put them directly in the bag, seal it, and then pop it in the freezer. For example, whenever you need almond milk (perhaps for a recipe), you can get the bag out of the freezer and use it. You may only want to put a few cubes in each bag so they don't stick together in the freezer.

How long can you freeze almond milk for?

Now that you know how to freeze almond milk, let's discuss how long you can do it. You can't keep almond milk in the freezer indefinitely. You should only freeze the milk alternative for around two months maximum. After that, you can't be sure the milk will still be usable when you thaw it. If you are unsure, you should not use the almond milk. Write the date on the freezer bag when you transfer the cubes.

How to thaw almond milk quickly

When you have frozen your almond milk, the next step is to thaw it out. Of course, if you use the almond milk cubes as part of a recipe, you can pop them straight into the dish. You should find that the cubes defrost when you cook (or, indeed, baking!). However, if you want to thaw out the almond milk cubes to use them, here's how to do it:

Put the cubes in the fridge

Place the cubes in a container or a bowl and pop them in the fridge. This will allow the almond milk cubes to defrost slowly (possibly leading to less separation). You should leave the cubes for a few hours, or even a day, to get them to defrost.

Blend your almond milk

Spoiler: When the almond milk thaws, it won't look appetising. You will find that the nut milk has separated somewhat. That will give it a bitty and unappealing texture. To deal with this problem, you should blend your almond milk. Put it in a blender, and then give it a quick blast. While this doesn't always work, it may give you a smoother texture.

While you can freeze almond milk, it does change the composition of the liquid. You shouldn't expect the milk to have the same texture when thawed. However, if you want to freeze almond milk and use it in recipes, you can do so. In this guide, we have gone over the easiest way to freeze and then defrost your almond milk when needed.


Did we miss something along the way? Take a quick look at our frequently asked questions for the answers you've been looking for. Here's what you should know.

Why can't you freeze almond milk?

While you technically can freeze almond milk, many leading brands advise against it. That is because the liquid will have a different consistency when you defrost it. However, you can freeze it and use it for recipes easily.

Can you freeze almond milk in the carton?

No. If you are going to freeze some almond milk, you should not use the carton. Instead, you need to decant your nut milk into smaller portions. One of the best approaches you can use is to get an ice cube tray. You can pour the almond milk into the tray, cover it in cling film, and freeze it.

How do you know if almond milk is bad?

Want to know how to tell if almond milk is bad? If this product has started to go off, you will find that the texture changes. It may be thick and clumped together. You may also find that almond milk has an odd or sour taste. Generally, you should consume almond milk within ten days of opening the carton. Always follow the instructions too.

Do you have any more questions? Leave a comment below.

Joanne A


Expert in finding beautiful solutions for small and rented spaces. Would happily spend the rest of my life shopping for homewares and watching Disney movies - I only wish I had Cinderella's army of mice to help me clean!

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